League Division Two

Lesser Leaguers waiting for the big time...


VIBE Chippy, shadeswear­ing Detroit street gang member Paco Ramone brought his seismic vibrationa­l powers to the League in the mid-’80s. Has also been known to improve any party.

RED TORNADO The original Red Tornado was bucket-headed comic relief (secret identity: Ma Hunkel). This sleeker, cooler android incarnatio­n whipped up cyclone-force winds by twisting his body at mind-boggling speed.

ROCKET RED 4 Introduced in 1987, just as Glasnost was melting the Cold War, Rocket Red was Dmitri Pushkin, part of an elite brigade of armoured heroes wrangled by the Soviet government. “Mechaempat­hy” allowed him to control any computer.

ZAURIEL Unlike Marvel’s Angel, this celestial Justice Leaguer was a genuine member of the Heavenly host. Wielded a flaming sword and had the power to part water, Moses style.

CONGORILLA Jungle adventurer Congo Bill found his consciousn­ess transferre­d into the body of Africa’s legendary Golden Gorilla, courtesy of a magic ring gifted by a dying witch doctor. Ya big ape!

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