A Death In The Family


Debutant director Ari Aster’s harrowing chiller centres on a psychologi­cally damaged family.

released 15 June 15 | 126 minutes Director ari aster Cast Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, alex Wolff, Millie shapiro

Sometimes, very rarely, a film comes along that’s so tense, so oppressive, so affecting and so terrifying that watching it almost feels unbearable. That’s the case with Hereditary, which premiered at Sundance to rave reviews claiming the movie was too scary and this generation’s The Exorcist. They’re not wrong.

It begins with a funeral. The mother of Toni Collette’s stressed miniature artist Annie has passed away, and only Annie’s odd, old-beyond-her years daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro) seems upset. The death of this family matriarch unearths buried family secrets and suppressed emotions. And then something happens, and nothing will ever be okay again...

Hereditary is a movie that is definitely best watched going in cold, so we won’t explain anything further about the plot. Instead, we’ll issue a warning: an event at the end of act one is so shocking that it’s impossible to unsee. The movie is so soaked with anguish and pain that it’s almost guaranteed to ruin your evening. And the scares – which are wholeheart­edly supernatur­al; none of that “it’s a psychologi­cal thriller” nonsense going on here – are so intense that you might pull a muscle.

As Annie, Collette is extraordin­ary, a broken woman flipping between guilt and rage, crushed under the terrible weight of her grief. Gabriel Byrne provides strong support as the stoic husband trying to maintain some semblance of normality, while Alex Wolff is terrific as their disaffecte­d stoner son, suffering at the heart of a family falling apart. Although this is unashamedl­y a horror film we hope awards will be forthcomin­g.

It’s enormously impressive, then, that this is the directoria­l debut of Ari Aster. The production design is as obsessivel­y detailed as Annie’s miniatures, working perfectly to add to the sense you’re watching a Greek tragedy unfold. Hereditary is unforgetta­ble, bravura filmmaking which will join “best horror” lists… but approach with care. Rosie Fletcher

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 ??  ?? Someone had just spoiled the end of Infinity War...
Someone had just spoiled the end of Infinity War...

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