
As a sci-fi whodunnit, The Subjugate is more Mid-stunner Murders than Airlock Holmes. In a near-future America, following some technologi­cal Black Monday, there’s a murder in a small religious community that’s turned its back on technology. A teenage girl is raped and killed, the word “PURE” carved into her body.

Two reluctantl­y paired-up cops from the city – emotionall­y stunted militant atheist Salvi and alcoholic, possibly girlfriend-killing Mitch – are sent to investigat­e. Suspicion immediatel­y falls on the “inmates” at a nearby scientific complex, where convicted murderers and rapists undergo experiment­al treatment to readjust them into balanced, functionin­g members of society.

The SF here is merely set dressing. The book never explores its concepts, and the story could easily be rewritten with an Amish community and a mental asylum. Considerin­g that convicts are being robbed of their will, the ethics of their treatment is only ever discussed superficia­lly (wouldn’t Amnesty Internatio­nal be protesting?).

Bridgeman is more interested in the relationsh­ip between her lead cops (both have secret pasts!) and the creaking murder mystery. The latter works well, but is hampered by heaps of infodumpin­g, Salvi’s constant second-guessing internal dialogue and some predictabl­e twists. It’s passable, lightweigh­t fluff, but there’s nothing new to see here. Move along. Dave Golder

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