Charlie says


This scrupulous­ly researched volume takes a deep dive on Charlie Brooker’s anthology show, unearthing countless fascinatin­g facts. Did you know that the second script written was abandoned for being “heavyhande­d”? Or that the composer on “15 Million Merits” sampled exercise bikes for a rhythm track? Or that in “Metalhead”’s first draft, the killer robot was controlled by a drone operator?

Other revelation­s are more eye-opening. Thought the Black Mirror team left Channel 4 in the lurch, lured away by a suitcase of Netflix cash? In fact, a month before the series blew up in the States, the UK broadcaste­r dropped the show due to its cost.

The story’s told via oral history, with around 15 pages on each episode. It’s a format that looks simple but can be tricky to pull off, and Jason Arnopp does a first-rate job. Brooker and fellow producer Annabel Jones are the lead voices; their self-deprecatio­n and mutual mockery are hugely endearing, and the former’s accounts of the sometimes tortuous evolution of his scripts are particular­ly insightful. But Arnopp casts his net wide, interviewi­ng cast, directors, production designers and more; this is very much a portrait of a team effort. Cleanly designed, with concept art treasures spotted throughout, it is, as Making Of books go, a flawless exemplar. Ian Berriman

Lost script “Inbound” was a war story in which people think aliens are attacking Britain – but they’re actually Norwegians!

 ??  ?? Concepts for “The Waldo Moment”’s titular CGI bear.
Concepts for “The Waldo Moment”’s titular CGI bear.
 ??  ?? A spaceship design from “USS Callister”.
A spaceship design from “USS Callister”.
 ??  ?? Space Fleet comic art by artist Billy Butcher.
Space Fleet comic art by artist Billy Butcher.

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