
As final frontiers go, death is one of the scariest and most mysterious – but in Euthanauts, a new series from IDW’s Black Crown imprint, it’s just an unknown territory that’s waiting for the right explorers.

This offbeat supernatur­al fantasy focuses on Thalia Peacetree, a receptioni­st for a funeral home who finds herself pulled into a strange adventure following a near-death experience. Befriended by a group of eccentric researcher­s, Thalia discovers that she’s a permanent link to a Euthanaut – a dead scientist who’s currently attempting to map the mysteries of the afterlife.

It’s a heady concept executed with considerab­le style, as writer Tini Howard takes an experiment­al approach to the narrative and pulls off some dense and engaging storytelli­ng. Admittedly, these first three issues take a little while to build up momentum, but they’re also reminiscen­t of early Vertigo titles like The Sandman, and the provocativ­e themes and sparky dialogue are matched by Euthanauts’ well-executed art.

Occasional­ly evocative of the early output of JH Williams III, Nick Robles’s work showcases strong character designs, eye-catching splash pages and some gorgeously psychedeli­c set-pieces. Robles gives this bold fantasy a unique visual flavour; this, combined with Howard’s already intriguing scripts, means Euthanauts is off to an impressive and mindbendin­g start. Saxon Bullock

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