Jorge Lendeborg Jr is Memo

- Richard Edwards

How would you sum up Memo?

Memo is the nerdy, neurotic type of character. He’s 16, he has a bit of a crush on Hailee Steinfeld’s character, Charlie – he’s vying for her attention and that kind of brings him into all the mishaps that happen in the film.

How does he feel about the fact that Charlie’s new car is also a robot?

For one he’s a pretty big nerd, so his mind is already very accustomed to sci-fi. But when he sees him it is very shocking – imagine how you’d feel if you saw an alien that was technicall­y a car but also a robot from outer space!

One of your main co-stars was created in a computer after you’d finished shooting. How did you find acting to thin air?

It’s fun. We had a guy on stilts, we had a big cut-out version of him and obviously we had the stick and the tennis ball, so we had all those versions to play with. So he was around. But I had fun. At the end of the day I’m an actor and it’s all make-believe, so to have nothing gives me even more freedom.

You were born after the ’80s. Were you given a pop culture revision list?

Not so much the movies, but our director travis definitely made a point of keeping everything honest to the ’80s – he made sure to tell us what things were very important, just to try to keep that kind of authentici­ty apparent throughout the whole film.

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