Amber Heard is Mera

- James White

How was the repartee between you and Jason when you were filming?

We can’t stand each other! [laughs]. Arthur and Mera are really very different but inform each other in certain ways. Where one is strong, the other is weak and vice versa. it’s interestin­g, because they have playful, cool banter that develops into something deeper. But Jason and i have pretty decent banter too.

What are you excited for people to see?

James has created some incredible universes that we could only get a little sense of by seeing certain concept art. And when you watch even a little of it in the trailer, in clips, you get a sense of the enormity of this universe that we have not seen yet as audiences. there are seven different kingdoms, all with a distinct look and culture and it’s not just one world we meet.

What was the costume like to wear?

it was, how uncomforta­ble can i be? When i got to put a coat on for a few scenes out of the water, i felt like i was being hugged all over my body by baby angels! i didn’t want to go back to my Atlantean suit.

But you weren’t the only one with costume issues…

When i first saw Patrick [Wilson, who plays the villainous Orm] on set, no one told me he was going to be hoisted up in the air in my eyeline. And i lost it. i wasn’t expecting it. He looked like a Christmas ornament, flying through the air!

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