Wreck-It Ralph leaves the arcade behind to break the internet
it’s been six years since Wreck-It
Ralph proved that you don’t have to be bad to be a bad guy. Now the hammerfisted hero and his best friend Vanellope venture into a whole new world in Ralph
Breaks The Internet. In search of a replacement steering wheel for Vanellope’s arcade console, without which it’s off to the junkyard, the two pals go online, where they have very different reactions to the virtual experience.
“It felt to us that there’s a great story to tell about two best friends who go to the big city, and one falls in love with it, and the other wants to go back home – but the first one can’t,” explains producer Clark Spencer. “Now their eyes have been opened, it’s not a place [Vanellope] wants to go back to.”
John C Reilly and Sarah Silverman return to voice the two leads, while the sequel introduces new characters to the franchise, including Yesss (voiced by Taraji Henson), the algorithm behind the in-movie social media platform BuzzTube, and Skank (voiced by Gal Gadot), a character in the online game Slaughter Race. The movie is full to the brim with cameos from Disney properties, including Star Wars, Marvel, and of course the Disney princesses, who share the screen for the first time ever. For the multiple cameos, Spencer and his team wanted to use the original voice actors whenever possible and they scored some big names. “It’s always been about trying to be as truthful as possible to the character,” says Spencer. “We came to London and recorded Anthony Daniels for C-3PO, which was an amazing experience to be able to do. But it felt to us: that’s what makes that character real. So Anthony Daniels needs to be in this movie as C-3PO.” DW/JF
Ralph Breaks The Internet is in cinemas from 30 November.