#the new doctor who

- Dametokill­for, Twitter

I’ve tried for years to get into Doctor Who and never managed. Jodie Whittaker is the first one who’s actually grabbed me. I’m so excited to finally be able to say, “That’s my Doctor.”

John Rutherford, Facebook

“The Girl Who Fell To Earth” wasn’t the best, but we needed to get to know the characters, so I can forgive it. I’m excited by the potential. My 12-year-old said, “The Doctor suits girl.” I agree

Thomas Huartson, email

Jodie Whittaker has nailed the role. Her energy powers the story, and the chemistry with her new companions is everything it should be. And the criticism that Bradley Walsh’s subdued performanc­e has received is unfair. It’s realistic given that Graham’s a former cancer patient in remission – I’ve looked after enough to know.

Mick Trezise, Facebook

It felt like a cheap US serial with too much unnecessar­y explanatio­n every few minutes. It was also too much of a Predator clone.

Alan Wilkinson, Twitter

Grace’s death was horrendous­ly predictabl­e (Kill the Spare) and her funeral made for an odd way to (almost) end Jodie’s new future. Oh, and if you’ve just stuck five micro-bombs in someone, you shouldn’t get to complain when someone else kicks him off a crane…

Philip Wain, Facebook

Did anyone notice how the Doctor talked about how it felt to regenerate? Is this a gender difference: the new Doctor talking about her feelings? Strikes me as a female strength. I don’t know if this is deliberate on behalf of the writers, but I’m keen to see how this develops.

Rikki Bateman, Facebook

It felt like it’d been written by a committee adhering to an inclusivit­y checklist. Shame – storytelli­ng seems to have taken a back seat.

Fiona Crossley, Facebook

One mistake is that no one drives from the Peak District to Bramall Lane via the Tinsley viaduct.

Ali B, Twitter

Jodie Whittaker was amazing! But they have to be careful – Graham called her “love”. I know that’s an English term, but if the Doctor was a man he wouldn’t have said that?!

SFX To be fair, the person who called people “love” most in episode one is Graham’s wife, Grace. It’s kind of a northern thing.

Craig Henderson, Facebook

The assassin robots [in “The Ghost Monument”] were even more inaccurate than Stormtroop­ers, and the two racing aliens looked disappoint­ingly human. Come on, Beeb! Pump some cash into alien designs and prosthetic­s, please. We’re paying for this shit!

Ben Dawson, Facebook

I worry we’re seeing phase two of the Capaldi Syndrome that plagued Peter’s first series, where bad writing’s making the product weak – and in this case dull and depressing. Cancer remission, dead relatives, four-year-old boys breaking bones because their mother moved out of the way in a trust exercise... This is

Doctor Who, a family show on a Sunday evening. It’s not Gotham or Game Of Thrones! They need to make it a lot lighter.

Nikk Effingham, email

One hour is only enough time for two people to get airtime: the Doctor and her companion. By having multiple companions they end up characteri­sed by a feature rather than developing a full-blown personalit­y: Dyspraxia Viewpoint Guy, Slightly Younger Victor Meldrew, and Not Sure Of Your Purpose Police Officer. They’re crowding the story at the expense of the narrative.

Rob Perry, Facebook

Whenever there’s been a change in production team in the past it’s reinvigora­ted the show. I got none of that from the first two episodes. Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat put their stamp on the show, grabbed hold of it and took it down some risky roads. The biggest risk this production team have taken is casting a woman – which has had no effect on the format. Maybe the new team are playing it safe while they settle in. Maybe Chibnall will develop a voice of his own. I hope so, because the show feels like a cheap knock-off of the RTD era.

PartTimeCr­azy, Twitter

Can someone get rid of the cats knocking over the bins during the theme tune?

Paul Morris, Facebook

The custard cream dispensing machine is a gimmick too far!

David Mckee, Facebook

The visual effects are a massive step forward. Downside: the TARDIS interior looks like the exterior is tacked on.

SFX It does look a bit like the TARDIS now has a porch, doesn’t it? I’m expecting it to be full of junk mail and shoes by the end of the season.

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