Pink Ranger Kimberly in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Amy Jo Johnson may have left her Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

character behind years ago to become a filmmaker and musician – not to mention acting on shows like Felicity and Flashpoint – but fans have not forgotten her stint as the Pink Ranger, AKA Kimberly hart, who she played in three seasons and two feature films. “People like to give me their toys!” she tells Red Alert. “I have so many little Pink Rangers all over my house my daughter said to me, ‘Mom if someone broke in here they would think we were big Power Rangers fans.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah they would!’”

Would you like to play the role again?

No, I think it’s nice that it’s been passed down to somebody else. Naomi Scott was amazing in the [2017] movie and I think my Pink Power Ranger days are over. But I had a lot of fun playing her.

If Kimberly was around now, what would she be up to?

She’d be married to Tommy – that’s what everyone hopes! That’s what he wants. Maybe have some kids.

Did you keep any souvenirs from set?

No, I wish I did! I have my movie coin. I have a box full of stuff, gifts and things that people give me at shows and I keep it in there.

What would it say on the Pink Ranger’s gravestone?

“Be bold.”

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