the thirteenth floor is unlucky for some in this year’s halloween offering from the treasury of British Comics


AFTer APPeArInG in the first two Scream and Misty anthologie­s,

The Thirteenth Floor is now set to star in its own special. Described by writer Guy Adams as “very much a continuati­on, indeed a conclusion, to the previous instalment­s”, the 52-pager focuses as much on teenage protagonis­t Sam Bowers, who lures unsuspecti­ng miscreants to their doom in the sinister Maxwell Tower, as it does on vengeful super-computer Max.

“From the very beginning of our story, it was always inevitable that Sam’s relationsh­ip with Max would come to a head,” Adams tells

Red Alert. “Sam is a very broken young man, and we’re about to find out why.”

With Adams joking that it contains “very little sweetness”, “Home Sweet Home” sees WPC Hester Benedict continuing her investigat­ions into Maxwell Tower after previously escaping Max’s clutches. “It’s about how the victim can cross the line and become dangerous themselves, and how abuse of any kind is always a self-feeding, toxic loop,” he explains. “Both Sam and Hester have been victims in life, both of them are haunted, and this tracks them as they’re dragged into each other’s orbit.”

While John Stokes and Fraser Irving shared art duties in the Scream and Misty specials, “Home Sweet Home” also features contributi­ons from Kelley Jones, Tom Paterson, Jimmy Broxton, Abigail Harding, Vince Locke, Henrik Sahlstrom, VV Glass and Andreas Butzbach. “John’s work is so beautiful, and he gives our real-world sections such a beautiful, grounded line,” says Adams. “Previously, the delicious Frazer Irving had taken over once we step into the surreal, nightmare world of The Thirteenth Floor. He’s back here, of course, but joined by a wonderful selection of guest artists, all lending their savage ink to Max’s world of punishment. The special is a proper feast, and readers should need proper winding on turning the last page!”

Scream & Misty Presents The Thirteenth Floor is out 16 Oct.

dOn’t quOte me “Once yOu’ve gOt it On, it’s like ‘yeah, i feel strOng, i feel tOugh,’ even thOugh i had tO have sOmeOne squeezing my butt cheeks intO the legs!” holy gluteus maximus! robert pattinson suits up for The Batman.

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