Jared Padalecki prepares for the end as supernatur­al bows out


After 15 years, what was the turning point that made you and Jensen ackles finally decide it was time to throw in the towel?

one of the amazing things about supernatur­al, 15 years in, is we’re still being challenged. It’s almost unique to the show: I’ve been a devil, I’ve been into Heaven, I’ve been to Hell, I’ve been sold. They challenge us constantly, so it’s more about how our life changed so much, you know. I met my wife on season four of the show, now we have a seven-year-old. It’s a long time! so, the decision process was long and it was really difficult. There were a lot of tears, and there will be a lot more tears, but it was more about how you don’t want to be the last person out of a party, you want to leave while the party is still going.

Can you look back and pick a season that means the most to you?

season four for me was a really crucial time in my life. It’s when I met my wife, obviously. season four was my biggest [personal] transition. I also loved the season, with the demon blood, so that certainly stands out.

Is it sinking in yet that every day on set is a step closer to saying the final goodbye to this job?

I’m just very thankful and grateful and yes, it’s becoming more real as the season goes on. As I’m reading forward, I’m like, “oh my god, this is my last ever episode two! This is my last first day!” It’s become kinda like a running joke on set: “This is our last season premiere wrap!” so it’s kinda been silly and fun.

You and Jensen were told how the series will end before you started shooting this season. What was your reaction, and was the ending what you had imagined?

I’ll start by saying that the way the show ends, as of now, I’m very pleased with. There is no way to end a show that’s gone for 15 years, 327 episodes, that will please everybody. But I’m very content and pleased with the way it ends. I had a thousand endings in my head of what would be cool. And I’ve said for years, publicly, that I feel like the boys should die. I’m not saying they will or won’t, but I think the undercurre­nt of what I was saying is that I want the boys to be at peace. so, I do feel like the boys will be at some form of peace if it ends the way it ends.

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