
Nothing generated more laughter in Zombieland than the scenes between Columbus and Tallahasse­e, who developed a grudging affection for each other throughout the film, despite their many difference­s

In Zombieland: Double Tap, the bond between Columbus and Tallahasse­e appears to have deepened over the past decade, as have the various points of conflict that define their relationsh­ip. “The sequel, like the first film, is about family, and there is a clear fraternal bond that exists in the film between Columbus and Tallahasse­e, who are willing to risk their lives to save each other, despite the fact that they’re still total opposites,” says director Ruben Fleischer. “At times, they act and talk like they hate each other. But we know, in this film, that neither could live without the other.”

Jesse Eisenberg compares the relationsh­ip that exists between Columbus and Tallahasse­e in the sequel to that of Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison, the bickering friends from Neil Simon’s play

The Odd Couple. “Columbus and Tallahasse­e are like Felix and Oscar 10 years in,” says Eisenberg. “In the first movie, all of their little irritating qualities were surprising to each other. In this movie, they’ve habituated to annoying each other. On the positive side, they have also developed a way of comforting each other during rough times. When my character is heartbroke­n, for example, Tallahasse­e takes me shopping.”

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