
released OUT NOW! Publisher dC Comics/Young animal

Writers Mikey Way, shaun simon Artist Ilias Kyriazis

With its mix of wild ideas and incoherent storytelli­ng, Collapser has many of the pros and cons that have plagued Gerard Way’s Young Animal imprint. Co-written by Shaun Simon and Gerard’s brother/My Chemical Romance bandmate Mikey Way, this six-parter centres on Liam James, an aspiring DJ who’s transforme­d into a superhero with a black hole at his heart after receiving an unexpected package from his late mother.

Issue one starts off by depicting the downtrodde­n Liam emptying bedpans as part of his day job at a care home, adding some nice personal touches. Sadly, Liam’s sullen nature is a turn-off – not helped by his overwrough­t, self-pitying inner voice – and he doesn’t become any less remote after he’s propelled into a surreal, psychedeli­c adventure. From Stonehenge memorably toppling over like dominos to battling otherworld­ly beings on an astral plane, the reader too often shares Liam’s sense of befuddleme­nt, although things come together briefly in issue three as some of his mysterious family background is intriguing­ly revealed… before chaos once again descends.

Collapser’s real strength is Ilias Kyriazis’s kinetic artwork – aided by Cris Peter’s suitably lurid colours – especially when he’s able to cut loose on the occasional full-page splash. Definitely a case of “things fall apart”, but at least you can have fun on the way. Stephen Jewell

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