
Wes Chatham plays Amos Burton

Where do we find Amos?

At the beginning of this season, Amos finds out something has happened to his moral centre, Lydia. He had an understand­ing and a deal built on the fact that if he didn’t come back, Lydia would be taken care of. Amos has been staying away purposeful­ly to protect her. Something has happened to Lydia, and he needs to go find out exactly what’s happened and who was involved with it. And if anything bad has happened to her, Amos needs to handle that situation, as well.

Baltimore is a seedy underworld on Earth. How comfortabl­e is Amos with returning to that setting and confrontin­g his past?

With a lot of the trauma that Amos experience­d growing up, as he’s left and started a new life, he’s cut himself off from that trauma. Amos doesn’t feel things the way that people normally do. Going back to Baltimore triggers things that have happened to him. He’s starting to feel things he hasn’t felt in many years. It’s definitely a challenge for him to control it and not to let it consume him.

Fans familiar with the books already know Amos experience­s the aftershock of the asteroid hitting the Earth. How epic was it filming those scenes?

The practical sets are unbelievab­le. Once we surface from the prison and walk out into the aftermath of the asteroid and the devastatio­n and what Earth looks like, the set was this massive warehouse. What they accomplish­ed… all you had to do was react to what you were seeing. It was unbelievab­ly, tragically beautiful. The footballfi­eld length of destructio­n and wreckage and fires and explosions and wind machines… All you need is a little bit of imaginatio­n and it’s easy to get swept up as if Earth was completely devastated!

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