Captain’s Log


This is the weirdest time of the year for us at SFX. While you’re most likely reading this in the days just before or after New Year’s Eve, we’ll have already almost finished another issue and be working on whatever we’re going to do for our 350th edition in February. Funny how time slips away from you. I didn’t think we’d be staring into the eyes of 2022’s releases quite so quickly, but I kind of hoped we’d be doing that with our pre-2020 glasses on. Yet here we are, with the C-word that shall not be uttered still continuing to affect everything we do. I’ve said before how thankful I am to be a lifelong fan of sci-fi and superheroe­s, but it’s really been a blessing to be able to lose myself in other worlds.

I won’t be sad to see the back of 2021. Even though it graced us with some of the most brilliant things (Dune and Chucky would be right up there for me) there was still a shadow cast over everything. Despite being someone who – like Devito’s Penguin, in more ways than one – loathes the heat, I’d like a bit more light for a change, please. In the last weeks of the year, I lost my best friend and companion, Toby the pug. If you follow us on social media – and you certainly should – you’ll have likely seen him pop up whenever we’ve been sent something. He was always involved in my nonsense, as you can see from the picture above, and as long as there was a treat to look forward to he was happy. I think that’s all any of us can ask for – treat yourself, be happy and look forward to the next exciting thing.

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 ?? ?? “Do not fuck with me.”
“Do not fuck with me.”

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