Lethal Weapon

Hellboy mythology is explored in spin-off The Sword Of Hyperborea


AFTER THE GHOSTLY GANGSTERS OF their AWA Studios series Old Haunts, Rob Williams and Laurence Campbell are now exploring the occult history of the Hellboy universe in The Sword Of Hyperborea. Co-written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, the four-parter charts the supernatur­al weapon’s journey through the centuries.

“We’ve previously seen the sword in the hands of [prehistori­c warrior] Gall Dennar at the end of the Hyperborea­n Age. Then we saw BPRD agent Ted Howards pick it up in a Chicago temple and sort of take on Gall Dennar’s memories and use the sword in the battle against the Ogdru Hem at the end of the world,” explains Williams. “It’s a sword that Gall’s grandfathe­r found in an abandoned Hyperborea­n city, and it does seem to have some kind of magical properties. What, exactly, you’ll have to read the series to discover.”

“The sword gives us the opportunit­y to explore new and old areas of the world of Hellboy,” adds Campbell. “As an artist, it’s great to explore and touch on so many different eras. Doing the research was fun, and there’s a slightly pulp feel to some of the stories.”

With Williams confirming that “there’s an appearance from one of the Hellboy regulars,” each issue focuses on a different wielder of the spooky blade. “Within the confines of the Mignolaver­se, we’re able to see different ages, different gods, and even a new race of creatures we’ve never seen in Hellboy’s world before,” he says. “Some of the characters might have a life beyond this particular run. It’s sort of skipping around existing Mignola mythology and offering new possibilit­ies for the past and future.” SJ

The Sword Of Hyperborea #1 is out on 12 January.

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Burning Man is back with a vengeance in 2022.
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