Growing pains



Director Kelsey Egan

Cast Jessica Alexander, Adrienne

Pearce, Hilton Pelser, Anja Taljaard

This slow-burn psychosexu­al thriller distinguis­hes itself by being far more depraved than its initially austere air suggests.

In a post-apocalypti­c hellscape, the air is contaminat­ed with “the shred”, a toxin that strips people of their memories. A family of five survives living in an airtight glasshouse, with enough vegetation inside to create a closed ecosystem. They stick to strict rules dictated by Mother (Adrienne Pearce), venture outside only in gas masks, and shoot intruders on sight.

A stranger (Hilton Pelser) arrives claiming to be prodigal son

Lucas, but in a world of disintegra­ting memories no one can be sure of who anyone, including themselves, truly is. Trapped in the glasshouse, they cultivate fruits, vegetables and incestuous sexual tensions.

There is some impressive compositio­n from director Kelsey Egan who, despite the transparen­cy of this house, fills the film with claustroph­obia; within the garden you can practicall­y feel the air heavy with mind-altering toxins. A slow, restrained piece of work, it’s unlikely to do much for those who like their thrillers chock full of jump scares, but for those with more patience there are plenty of interestin­g ideas here about duty to family and the fallibilit­y of the mind. Leila Latif

The key location is the 19th century Pearson Conservato­ry in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, restored in the noughties.

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She was determined to hide her last Rolo.
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