Just for kicks


RELEASED OUT NOW! 1986 | 15 | Blu-ray

Director Jackie Chan

Cast Jackie Chan, Alan Tam,

Lola Forner

Playing like a goofy Hong Kong variation of Raiders Of The Lost Ark, this action bonanza sees Jackie Chan’s gum-chewing musician-turned-treasure-hunter attempting to rescue his kidnapped bandmate alongside best bud Alan Tam. Oh and there’s some bumph about a holy suit of armour, which is wanted by an evil religious cult.

None of that really matters, though, because the focus is resolutely on Jackie Chan’s high kicks and death drops. Cars rocket over highways, and Chan leaps off just about every surface he can find. Tonally it’s all over the place, with even the odd bit of Bond thrown in for good measure.

But the film whip-cracks along at a heck of a lick, and Chan is a hyperactiv­e joy throughout, not least in the jaw-dropping, stunt-packed final 20 minutes.

Extras Decent new featurette­s include martial artist Scott Adkins breaking down the stunts (30 minutes), and insightful doc “Rise Of The Phoenix” (20 minutes). There’s also a bit on Chan VHS releases (eight minutes).

There’s plenty of archive footage. Disc one serves up an hour-long episode of Celebrity Talk Show from 1989, guest-starring Chan. There are also vintage chats (totalling 12 minutes) with him, Willie Chan and editor Peter Cheung. Plus: three expert commentari­es; alternate closing credits; a behind-the-scenes piece; a locations visit; a music video tribute; trailers.

Disc two includes the internatio­nal cut – shorter by nine minutes, it excises the goofier elements, which means it’s a lot less fun. The package also includes an 88-page book, six art cards and a poster. Josh Winning

Chan nearly died leaping from a ledge into a tree. He fell and landed on a rock, and a bit of skull pierced his brain.

Whip-cracks along at a heck of a lick… Chan is a hyperactiv­e joy

 ?? ?? Jackie Chan quickly checks for any broken bones.
Jackie Chan quickly checks for any broken bones.

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