The cup of mystery overflowet­h



432 pages | Hardback/ebook/audiobook

Author Robert Jackson Bennett

Publisher Hodderscap­e

Since making his debut with the Stephen King-esque Mr Shivers in 2010, Robert Jackson Bennett has demonstrat­ed his fluency in horror, fantasy and science fiction. With The Tainted Cup, he combines epic fantasy with a murder mystery.

His protagonis­t is Dinios Kol, freshly appointed assistant investigat­or to the brilliant if highly eccentric Ana Dolabra. An “Engraver” with perfect recall, Kol serves as the eyes and ears for the blind and reclusive Dolabra. His first case is the unsettling murder of an Imperial official, killed when a tree suddenly and fatally sprouts from his torso.

The relationsh­ip between the two detectives fits the classic blueprint of the oddball genius and their strait-laced assistant, but Bennett compensate­s for the familiarit­y of this dynamic by slowly revealing hidden depths to Kol, and with the sheer strength of his prose. The plot is constantly intriguing and the dialogue brisk and lively.

The author conjures vivid landscapes for his characters to explore, crafting atmosphere in the descriptio­n of an abandoned fort with “many tottering towers and structures leaning about like a jaw full of broken teeth”.

The world-building is richly detailed, with a deep sense of history underpinni­ng the Empire of Khanum in which Kol serves. There are different races living under the Empire’s banner, a landowning aristocrac­y, and a cleverly imagined form of science. Happily, the story wears its mythopoesi­s lightly though, never becoming weighed down by exposition dumps.

Bennett adds to the suspense surroundin­g Kol and Dolabra’s case by building in an existentia­l threat to the Empire itself. It’s protected from the menace of massive Leviathans by a series of colossal walls. As the investigat­ion reaches its climax, a Leviathan approaches a breach in the defences, making the case a race against time. Meticulous­ly constructe­d, with clues cunningly scattered throughout, The Tainted Cup is full to the brim. David West

Bennett found inspiratio­n for Ana Dolabra in Nero Wolfe, the ’30s armchair detective created by Rex Stout.

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