Battle Between The Yawns



Director Zack Snyder

Cast Sofia Boutella, Ed Skrein,

Michiel Huisman, Elise Duffy

NETFLIX The best that can be said of Zack Snyder’s pompous space opera sequel is that it’s trying not to be just more of the same. Unfortunat­ely, it is the same in all the ways that made the first film such a joyless slog – including Snyder’s much-derided use of slow motion (and, indeed, slow motion shots that get even slower motion), which he must surely be employing out of sheer bloodymind­edness by now.

As everyone knows by now, Rebel Moon is basically another retelling of The Seven Samurai. Part One was the planet-hopping mission to find a bunch of rebels to fight the bad guys. Part Two is the battle, as the rebels inspire the farmers to become a fighting force. Well, actually, the whole second hour is the battle. The first hour is made up of the recap, the “here’s my tragic past” flashbacks, the training montage and the harvesting montage. Most of it in slow motion, most of it stupendous­ly dull. The clumsy dialogue often feels like the actors are reading it for the first time.

The battle, to be fair, has some spectacula­r moments and exciting fight choreograp­hy. But it just grinds on and on and on. It’s difficult to feel anything regarding any of the many deaths – despite bludgeonin­g attempts at poignancy, as if Snyder’s grabbing you by the lapels and shouting, “Care, damn you!” in your face.

It ends up like the cinematic equivalent of a self-indulgent, overlong guitar solo on a prog rock concept album. Best watched while scrolling through your social media.

Dave Golder

While filming his tunnel fight scenes, Ed Skrein was sent home with Covid, and the knackered stunt guys had two days off.

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