Country News

Calm is better for pregnancy


A calm temperamen­t in ewes improves their ovulation rate and successful pregnancie­s, according to a study published by The University of Western Australia.

The study — which was conducted in collaborat­ion with researcher­s from Uruguay, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Developmen­t WA and UWA — has implicatio­ns for the impact of stress in human reproducti­on.

The team investigat­ed the reproducti­ve outcomes of 200 Merino ewes known to have either a calm or a nervous temperamen­t. They found the ovulation rate and rate of successful pregnancie­s to be higher in the calm ewes.

Dominique Blache from UWA’s School of Agricultur­e and Environmen­t and Institute of Agricultur­e, who led the study, said temperamen­t affected ovulation rate but not the occurrence of ovulation.

‘‘Difference­s in reproducti­ve outcomes between the calm and nervous ewes were mainly due to a higher ovulation rate in calm ewes,’’ Associate Professor Blache said.

‘‘Even when the ovulation rate is maintained, some of the nervous ewes have problems in maintainin­g their pregnancy, possibly because of the quality of the eggs and subsequent embryos, and perhaps the quality of the uterine environmen­t during the first two weeks of pregnancy.’’

The results also suggest that reproducti­on in nervous ewes is compromise­d by factors leading up to ovulation and conception, or in the uterine environmen­t during early pregnancy, which reflects difference­s in energy utilisatio­n.

The paper, Calm Merino ewes have a higher ovulation rate and more multiple pregnancie­s than nervous ewes, was published in the journal Animal. The research was supported by Meat and Livestock Australia.

 ??  ?? Keep calm and carry lambs . . . A University of Western Australia study has found the ovulation rate and rate of successful pregnancie­s is higher in calm ewes.
Keep calm and carry lambs . . . A University of Western Australia study has found the ovulation rate and rate of successful pregnancie­s is higher in calm ewes.

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