Country News

Call for action after damning allegation­s


Speak Up campaign spokespers­on Doug Fehring said the release of the Ernst & Young report, as well as the Australia Institute paper, should be ringing alarm bells at the highest level of government.

‘‘We have a $13 billion basin plan which is riddled with flaws; the more evidence that is compiled through its implementa­tion, the more we learn about its inconsiste­ncies and inadequaci­es,’’ Mr Fehring said.

‘‘Our concern is that the political risk to government­s of admitting they have another pink batts on their hands is too great, so the issues are ignored.’’

He said these latest revelation­s indicated that water, which was supposed to be sent to the Coorong as environmen­tal flows, had been held back to keep the Lower Lakes at a prime recreation height.

Additional­ly, in 2015-16 the South Australian Government deferred its entitlemen­ts, replacing them with environmen­tal water, but failed to deliver this water to the Coorong.

It has also failed to use its desalinati­on plant to provide Adelaide with water, instead using Murray River flows, despite these coming at substantia­l cost to communitie­s further upstream.

‘‘While water is keeping the Lower Lakes at optimum level for boating, it is not being used to help the environmen­t, and at the same time is significan­tly impacting the amount of water available for food production, especially in areas like the NSW Murray and northern Victoria,’’ Mr Fehring said.

‘‘This is reducing the amount of food available for Australian consumptio­n, as well as what we can export to starving people throughout the world.

‘‘Should we really be putting recreation for a minority above growing food and protecting the environmen­t?

‘‘There should also be huge concern about the lack of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in water management, which is an issue that Speak Up has raised continuous­ly for three years.

‘‘Why were reports which questioned the South Australian use of water not made public?

‘‘Why were they not available for the vital meeting of water ministers in December, or other inquiries including a royal commission?

‘‘How much more damaging informatio­n is being withheld from the public, probably to protect politician­s and bureaucrac­ies?’’

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