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Swimming pools – are they worth the investment?


In the 1990s a swimming pool was the household status symbol. New research from Roy Morgan has shown almost 2.7 million Aussies have a backyard pool — but is it a smart investment or just a time-sucking money pit?

When Roy Morgan surveyed Australian households in 2018 it found 13 per cent of homeowners had a pool, and when Swimart surveyed homeowners, 90 per cent of them believed their pool added value to their property. The question is, are they right?

The tangible value of your pool comes down to location, location, location.

For example, water-lovers who choose to live near the beach often love their new homes to have pools. The median house price in the suburb also plays a part in how much value a pool can add to a property, with high end properties reaping the benefits of a pool more than the budget end of the market.

Pools can also indirectly boost your home’s value simply by generating interest in the marketing material. On the flip side, you might find investors steer clear of your home as they fear tenants may not take proper care of the pool. Thinking of a pool? Well, you might as well do it well! Try to ensure the pool is visible from the main living area, as this will reassure parents and add to the aesthetics, and remember to consider solar heating and a low-maintenanc­e pool cleaning options.

Ultimately, if you are desperate for a pool — go for it. The memories will be worth their weight in gold and you can think of any value-adding as a nice little bonus.

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