Shepparton News

Making game hunting safer


Jaclyn Symes has announced funding to ensure safe, responsibl­e and sustainabl­e hunting practices this season and into the future.

The Victorian agricultur­e minister revealed funding for the state’s Game Management Authority, an independen­t statutory authority responsibl­e for the regulation of game hunting, on Friday.

A $6 million contributi­on across four years hopes to lead to a 30 per cent increase in Game Management Authority staff for enforcemen­t and stakeholde­r engagement, deliver equipment for new and existing compliance officers, increased research capacity, education campaigns and a new licensing system.

The funding aims to assist the Game Management Authority in enforcing conditions placed on duck hunting in Victoria and ensure it is done in a safe and sustainabl­e way.

Ms Symes said the additional funding was part of a commitment to ensure that game hunting is conducted in a safe, responsibl­e and sustainabl­e way.

‘‘Game hunting is a legal recreation­al activity that generates jobs and economic benefits for rural and regional Victoria,’’ she said.

‘‘The GMA and partner agencies, including Victoria Police, DELWP, DJPR, Victorian Fisheries Authority and Parks Victoria, will continue to work together to ensure people act in a sustainabl­e and responsibl­e manner and comply with hunting and public safety laws.’’

The Labor Government has also committed to the implementa­tion of a new Adaptive Harvest Model to improve the way population­s of duck and other bird numbers are assessed.

‘‘This will strengthen the scientific basis of future decision making and compliment­s the government’s sustainabl­e hunting action plan,’’ a statement said.

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