Simply Crochet

Balloon party


What would a party be without balloons? We’re all trying to be environmen­tally friendly these days, so why not hook up a length (or more) of your own reusable balloon bunting? It’s reusable and will still look good if it rains. Designed by Rebecca Armstrong.

■ Patons 100% Cotton DK (100% cotton, 100g/210m), 1 ball of each: Red (2115), Royal (2751), White (2691), Vanilla (2745) ■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) hook


Each Balloon measures approx 10x13cm (4x5in)


For a full list, see page 92


These Balloons are made from the top down. Leave a longish tail at the beginning to attach the Balloons to the ribbon.


Make 3 each in White, Red, Royal and Vanilla.

Leaving a long tail, ch4.

Row 1 Dc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in each of next 2 ch, turn. [3 dc]

Row 2 Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), 3dc in first dc, dc in next dc, 3dc in last dc, turn. [7 dc]

Row 3 Ch1, dc in first st, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc in next st, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. [11 dc]

Row 4 Ch1, dc in first st, (2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 2 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in next st) twice, turn. [15 dc]

Row 5 Ch1, dc in first st, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 11 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in last st, turn. [17 dc]

Row 6 Ch1 dc in each of next 3 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 9 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 3 dc, turn. [19 dc]

Row 7 Ch1, dc in each of next 5 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 7 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 5 dc, turn. [21 dc]

Row 8 Ch1, dc in each of next 7 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 5 dc, 2dc in next dc, dc in each of next 7 dc, turn. [23dc]

Rows 9-17 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn. [23dc] Row 18 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 19 dc, dc2tog, turn. [21 sts]

Row 19 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 20 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 17 dc, dc2tog, turn. [19 sts]

Row 21 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 22 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 15 dc, dc2tog, turn. [17 sts]

Row 23 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 24 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 13 dc, dc2tog, turn. [15 sts]

Row 25 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 26 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 11 dc, dc2tog, turn. [13 sts]

Row 27 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 28 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 9 dc, dc2tog, turn. [11 sts]

Row 29 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 7 dc, dc2tog, turn. [9 sts]

Row 30 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 5 dc, dc2tog, turn. [7 sts]

Row 31 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each of next 3 dc, dc2tog, turn. [11 sts]

Row 32 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in next dc, dc2tog, turn. [3 sts]

Row 33 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 34 Ch1, 2dc in first dc, dc in next st, 2dc in next dc, turn. [5 dc]

Row 35 Ch1, 2dc in first dc, dc in each of next 3 dc, 2dc in next dc, turn. [7 dc] Row 36 Ss in first 4dc, ch10 (this forms the string that ties the balloon up).

Fasten off.


Using Red, ch260.

Row 1 Ss in next 40 ch (this forms tie), dc in next 180ch, turn leaving next 40 ch unworked (this forms tie).

Row 2 Ch1, dc in next 180 dc, fasten off.


Block the Balloons to dimensions given. Arrange the balloons at equal intervals along the ribbon. Using the starting tail, sew each Balloon in place on the ribbon and weave in ends.

 ??  ?? Clockwise from left: Rebecca’s balloon shape came from experiment­ing with increases and decreases when she came up with her design; a chain forms the string of the balloon; the rounded shape means you need to be very neat when attaching it; Rebecca...
Clockwise from left: Rebecca’s balloon shape came from experiment­ing with increases and decreases when she came up with her design; a chain forms the string of the balloon; the rounded shape means you need to be very neat when attaching it; Rebecca...
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