Simply Crochet

Milky way Rug


Become a guardian of the galaxy and gaze down on the spiralling Milky Way with Hannah Cross’ stunning rug. ■ Caron Simply Soft (100% acrylic, 170g/288m), 1 ball of each:

Yarn A Purple (9781)

Yarn B Dark Country Blue (9711)

Yarn C Light Country Blue (9709)

Yarn D Lavender (9756)

Yarn E Iris (9747)

■ A 6mm (US J/10) hook

■ 5 stitch markers


The Rug measures 100cm (39 in) diameter


3-tr cl (Yrh, insert hook in space/st indicated, yrh and pull up loop, yrh and draw through 2 loops) 3 times, inserting the hook in the same space/st each time,

yrh and draw through all loops on hook ch-2 picot (ch-3 picot) Ch2 (ch3), ss to furthest ch from hook

For a full list, see page 92


Use 2 strands of yarn throughout the main Rug pattern.

Use 1 strand of yarn for the slip stitch detail.

Work in back loop only (bl) throughout the main Rug pattern.

Work in continuous rounds throughout the pattern unless otherwise stated. Work stitches continuous­ly in a spiral without closing off each round with a slip stitch. When changing colours you do not need to fasten off, instead slip the loop off the hook and place it in a stitch marker, then when you return to that colour you can place the loop back on the hook.


Using Yarn C, ch2.

Round 1 (RS) 10htr in 2nd ch from hook. [10 sts]

Round 2 2htr in each st around. [20 sts]

Round 3 *(Htr in next st, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*, change to Yarn D and rep from * to *, change to Yarn E and rep from * to *, change to Yarn A and rep from * to *, change to Yarn B and rep from * to *. [30 sts]

Round 3 sets colour sequence of 2 repeats each of Yarn C/Yarn D/Yarn E/Yarn A/Yarn B. Always start the following round using the same colour as the last repeat of previous round. Round 4 *(Htr in next 2 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*, change to next colour and rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [40 sts]

Round 5 *(Htr in next 3 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [50 sts]

Round 6 *(Htr in next 4 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [60 sts]

Round 7 *(Htr in next 5 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [70 sts]

Round 8 *(Htr in next 6 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [80 sts]

Round 9 *(Htr in next 7 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [90 sts]

Round 10 *(Htr in next 8 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [100 sts]

Round 11 *(Htr in next 9 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [110 sts]

Round 12 *(Htr in next 10 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [120 sts]

Continue increasing in pattern as set for 19 more rounds, working 1 additional st before each increase, and maintainin­g colour pattern.

Round 32 *(Htr in next 30 sts, 2htr in next st) twice, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * around, following colour sequence as set. [320 sts]

Round 33 *Tr in next 31 sts, 2dtr in next st, dtr in next 10 sts, ttr in next 10 sts, qdtr in next 12 sts, PM in live loop*; rep from * to * following colour sequence as set. [325 sts]

Fasten off.


Using Yarn C, join with a ss to front loop (fl) of first stitch in Yarn E at Round 3. Working in a spiral, work a ss into fl of each stitch of Yarn E, adding a 3-tr cl randomly to create the galaxy effect.

Using Yarn C, join with a ss to fl of first stitch in Yarn A. Working in a spiral, work a ss into fl of each stitch of Yarn A, adding a ch-3 picot to stitches randomly as with the previous round.

Using Yarn D, join with a ss to fl of first st in Yarn B. Working in a spiral, work a ss into fl of each stitch of Yarn B, adding a ch-2 picot to stitches randomly. You can use the images as a guide.


Weave in all ends, block to measuremen­ts.

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