Simply Crochet

Solar System Cushion


Lean back into the comfy cosmos with this clever planet orbiting cushion, designed by Matt Spiers.

■ Caron Simply Soft (100% acrylic, 170g/288m), 4 balls of:

Yarn B Dark Country Blue (9711)

1 ball of each:

Yarn A Purple (9781)

Yarn C Light Country Blue (9709)

Yarn D Lavender Blue (9756)

Yarn E Iris (9747)

■ A 5mm (US H/8) hook

■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) hook

■ 2 buttons, 3cm ( in) diameter

■ Pair of compasses, paper and scissors

for template

■ Sewing needle and thread

■ Ruler/tape measure

■ Tapestry needle


12 sts and 14 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) using 5mm hook and 2 strands of yarn held together


To fit a 50x50cm (20x20in) cushion pad CUSHION


Using a 5mm hook and 2 strands of Yarn B, ch61.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook, dc in each ch to end, turn. [60 sts]

Row 2 Ch1 (does not count as a st throughout), dc in each st to end, turn.

Rows 3-70 As Row 2, placing a marker on 30th stitch on Row 35.

Fasten off.


Work as given for Front, for 35 rows, placing a marker in sts 20 and 40 on last row.


Work as given for Front, for 40 rows, placing a marker in the first and last sts of Row 36.


Using a 3.5mm hook and 1 strand of Yarn D, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch3 (counts as tr here and throughout), 11tr into the loop, ss to top of beg ch-3 to join. [12 sts]

Round 2 Ch3, tr in same st at base of beg ch-3, 2tr in each st around, ss to top of beg ch-3. [24 sts]

Round 3 Ch3, 2tr in next st, (tr in next st, 2tr in next st) 11 times, ss to top of beg ch-3. [36 sts]

Round 4 Ch3, tr in next st, 2tr in next st, (tr in next 2 sts, 2tr in next st) 11 times, ss to top of beg ch-3. [48 sts]

Round 5 Ch3, tr in next 2 sts, 2tr in next st, (tr in next 3 sts, 2tr in next st) 11 times, ss to top of beg ch-3. [60 sts]

Round 6 Ch3, tr in next 3 sts, 2tr in next st, (tr in next 4 sts, 2tr in next st) 11 times, ss to top of beg ch-3. [72 sts]

Change to Yarn C.

Round 7 Ch1, (dc in next 5 sts, 2dc in next st) 12 times, ss to top of beg ch-3. [84 sts]

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Make 2 in Yarn E and 2 in Yarn A. Using a 3.5mm hook and 1 strand of Yarn E or Yarn A, make a magic loop.

Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as a st here and throughout), 6dc into the loop, ss to first dc to join. [6 sts]

Change to Yarn C.

Round 2 Ch1, 2dc in each st around, ss to first dc. [12 sts] Fasten off and weave in ends.


Using a 3.5mm hook and 1 strand of Yarn E, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch3 (counts as tr), 11tr into the loop, ss to top of beg ch-3 to join.

[12 sts]

Round 2 Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 6 times, ss to first dc. [18 sts] Change to Yarn C.

Round 3 Ch1, (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times, ss to first dc. [24 sts]

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Make 1 in Yarn E and 1 in Yarn A.

Using a 3.5mm hook and 1 strand of Yarn E or Yarn A, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch2 (counts as htr), 11htr into the loop, ss to top of beg ch-2 to join.

[12 sts]

Change to Yarn C.

Round 2 Ch1 (does not count as a st), (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 6 times, ss to first dc. [18 sts]

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Using a 3.5mm hook and 1 strand of Yarn A, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch3 (counts as tr), 11tr into the loop, ss to top of beg ch-3 to join. [12 sts]

Round 2 Ch3 (counts as tr), tr in st at base of beg ch-3, 2tr in each st around, ss to top of beg ch-3. [24 sts]

Change to Yarn C.

Round 3 Ch1, (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times,ss to first dc. [30 sts]

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Work as given for Small Planet, using Yarn C only, throughout.


Using your compasses, draw a circle with a radius of 10cm on paper, then cut out the circle. Poke a hole through the centre of the paper with the compasses. Line up centre of circle with marked stitch on front panel (if you used a yarn marker you can simply thread it through your paper hole). Use a ruler to make sure it is centred and pin into place. Using yarn needle and length of Yarn C, sew a chain stitch around paper circle (using it as a template) to make your first orbital ring. Remove paper. Using your ruler, sew the second orbital ring 2cm wider than the first ring. Continue making rings in 2cm increments, until you have 8 orbital rings. Note that if you’re not confident with sewing free hand you can always make more paper guide circles for each of the different circles.

Once done, arrange your Planets in the following order (going from the centre outwards): 4 Small Planets, 1 Medium Planet A, 1 Large Planet, 2 Medium Planets B. Once you are happy with your arrangemen­t, pin into place then attach to cushion front using sewing needle and thread (if you’re using Pluto, place in corner outside of last orbital ring).


Place the Back Panels so that the marked Row 36 of Back Panel B is in line with the last row of Back Panel A (this will give you a 5-row overlap, make sure the Back Panel B overlap is behind Back Panel A). Line both Back Panels up with front panel (it may help to pin the panels together). Using a 5mm hook and a strand of Yarn E and Yarn A held together, join yarn with a ss to last st of top edge joining both front and Back Panel together. Ch1 (does not count as a st), dc in each st to end, ch2, dc into side of each row (working through both Back Panels on overlap section), ch2, dc in each st along bottom edge, ch2, dc up remaining side (and working through both panels), ch2, ss to first dc to join. Using 3.5mm hook and Yarn A, *ss into marked stitch on Back Panel A, ch12, ss back into same marked st, fasten off*; rep from * to * on next marked st. Lay flat and sew buttons in place. Weave in ends.

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