Simply Crochet



Wonder at the planets from the comfort of home with Ruth Haydock’s mobile. Find out more about her cosmic calling on page 98.

■ Caron Simply Soft (100% acrylic, 170g/288m), 1 ball of each:

Yarn A Purple (9781)

Yarn B Dark Country Blue (9711)

Yarn C Light Country Blue (9709)

Yarn D Lavender Blue (9756)

Yarn E Iris (9747)

■ A 4mm (US G/6) hook

■ Stitch marker

■ 25cm (10in) polystyren­e wreath

■ Toy stuffing

■ Small metal ring with a hook


9 sts and 9 rows to measure 5x5cm (2x2in) over dc using a 3.5mm hook, or size needed to obtain correct tension


From Mobile ring to Pluto 55cm (21 in) Diameter of Planets:

Mercury 3.5cm (1 in)

Venus 4.5cm (1 in)

Earth 5.5cm (2in)

Mars 4.5cm (1 in)

Jupiter 8.5cm (3 in)

Saturn 7.5cm (2 in)

Uranus 5.5cm (2in)

Neptune 5.5cm (2in)

Pluto 2.5cm (1in)


The pattern is worked using the amigurumi method. Work stitches continuous­ly in a spiral without closing off each round with a slip stitch. It may help to use a stitch marker in the first stitch of each round, moving it up as you work.

For Planet Craters, once you have finished each crater, leave a short tail of 8cm for sewing the Crater onto the Planet. Sew on the Craters in any position that you like.


On the Chart (see page 94), each square represents 1 dc st. When a decrease symbol is shown in a square on the Chart, dc2tog over the next 2 sts, as the one square on the Chart represents the one stitch that remains once the decrease is complete. There will be fewer squares on the Chart in a decrease row to show the sts that remain at the end of the row after the decreases are worked. When an increase symbol is shown in a square on the Chart, work 2dc in that st. There will be a greater number of squares on the next row in the Chart to show the stitches that have been increased.

All rows on the Chart are read from right to left and each row represents one round. When changing colour mid-row, twist the ends of the two colours together. Change to the new colour in the last yrh of the previous stitch.

Carry the unused strands of yarn across the WS of the work. PLANET

This is the basic planet pattern. See specific instructio­ns for each planet below. Make a magic loop.

Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as st), 8dc into the ring. Pull the short tail to close the magic loop after the first round. [8 sts]

Round 2 2dc in each st around. [16 sts]

Round 3 Dc in each st around. Weave in the end from the magic loop.

Round 4 (Dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [24 sts]

Round 5 Dc in each st around.

Round 6 (Dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [32 sts]

Round 7 Dc in each st around.

Round 8 (Dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [40 sts]

Round 9 Dc in each st around.

Round 10 (Dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [48 sts]

Round 11 Dc in each st around.

Round 12 (Dc in next 5 sts, 2dc in next st 8 times. [56 sts]

Round 13 Dc in each st around.

Round 14 (Dc in next 5 sts, dc2tog)

8 times. [48 sts]

Round 15 Dc in each st around.

Round 16 (Dc in next 4 sts, dc2tog)

8 times. [40 sts]

Round 17 Dc in each st around.

Round 18 (Dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog)

8 times. [32 sts]

Round 19 Dc in each st around.

Round 20 (Dc in next 2 sts, dc2tog)

8 times. [24 sts]

Round 21 Dc in each st around.

Round 22 (Dc in next st, dc2tog) 8 times. [16 sts]

Round 23 Dc in each st around.

Round 24 (Dc2tog) 8 times. [8 sts] Fasten off and weave end through top of all final sts and pull the thread to close the gap at the top. Weave in the end.


Using Yarn C, work Rounds 1-5, then work Rounds 22-24 of the Planet pattern.


Make 4 in Yarn A and 4 in Yarn E. Make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as a st), 4dc into the loop, ss to first dc to join. [4 sts] Fasten off and sew craters to planet.


Using Yarn A, work Rounds 1-7, then Rounds 20-24 of the Planet pattern.


Using Yarn C, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as a st), 8dc into the loop. [8 sts]

Round 2 2dc in each st around. [16 sts]

Round 3 Dc in next 6 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 4 sts, change to Yarn C, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next 5 sts. Cut Yarn C, leaving a short tail to weave in.

Round 4 (Dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [24 sts]

Round 5 Dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 5 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 5 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next 8 sts.

Round 6 Change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next dc, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, 2dc in next dc,

dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next dc, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, 2dc into next dc, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next dc, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next dc, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next st. [32 sts]

Round 7 Dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next 7 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 4 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 11 sts.

Round 8 Dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, change to, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, 2dc in next Yarn A st, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, 2dc into next dc, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, 2dc in next st, (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) twice. [40 sts]

Round 9 Dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 4 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 5 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 7 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 11 sts.

Round 10 Dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, dc2tog, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, dc2tog, dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog, change to Yarn D, dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, dc2tog, dc in next 2 sts,change to Yarn F, dc in next st, dc2tog, dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog. [32 sts]

Round 11 Dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next 9 sts, change to Yarn F, dc in next 7 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn F, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next 6 sts, change to Yarn F, dc in next 4 sts.

Round 12 Dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, (dc2tog, dc in next 2 sts) twice, dc2tog, dc in next st, change to Yarn D, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, dc2tog, change to Yarn D, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, (dc2tog, dc in next 2 sts) twice, dc2tog, change to Yarn D, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc2tog. [24 sts] Round 13 Change to Yarn D, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 8 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 9 sts, change to Yarn D, dc in next st.

Round 14 Dc in next st, change to Yarn A, (dc2tog, dc in next st) twice, dc2tog, change to Yarn D, (dc, dc2tog) twice, dc in next st, change to Yarn A, (dc2tog, dc) twice, change to change to Yarn D, dc2tog. Cut Yarn A, leaving a short end to sew in. [16 sts]

Round 15 Change to Yarn D, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 14 sts. Cut Yarn D, leaving a short end to sew in.

Round 16 (Dc2tog) 8 times. [8 sts]

Fasten off and thread Yarn A through the sts on the hook left from the last round.

Fasten off.


Using Yarn A, work Rounds 1-7, then Rounds 20-24 of the Planet pattern. Fasten off.


Using Yarn D, make a magic loop. Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st), 6dc into the loop, ss to first dc to join. [6 sts]

Fasten off.


Using Yarn D, make a magic loop.

Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as st), 6dc into the loop. [6 sts]

Round 2 2dc in each st around. [12 sts]

Fasten off and sew craters to planet.


Using Yarns B, D and F, work Rounds 1-24 of the Planet pattern, changing colours as follows: (2 rounds in Yarn B, 2 rounds in Yarn A and 2 rounds in Yarn D), rep to end. Fasten off.


Using Yarn sB, D, E and F, work Rounds 1-11, then Rounds 16-24 of the Planet pattern, changing colours as follows: (1 round in Yarn B, 1 round in Yarn A, 1 round in Yarn E and 1 round in Yarn D), rep to end.


Round 1 (RS) Using Yarn C, surface crochet around centre of the Planet on Round 11 as follows: inserting hook into any st, draw up a loop and ch1 (does not count as st), (dc in next 5 sts, 2dc in next stitch) 8 times. [56 sts] Round 2 Continuing in a spiral on Round 1 sts, dc in next 3 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 6 sts) 7 times, 2dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts. [64 sts]

Round 3 (Dc in next 7 sts, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [72 sts]

Fasten off.


Using Yarns F and E, work Rounds 1-9, then Rounds 18-24 of the Planet pattern, changing colours as follows: (1 round in Yarn D and 1 round in Yarn E), rep to end. Fasten off.


Using Yarn E, make a magic loop. Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st), 8dc into the loop, ss to first dc to join. [8 sts]

Fasten off.


Using Yarn E, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st), 8dc into the loop, ss to first dc to join. [8 sts]

Round 2 2dc in each st around. [16 sts]

Fasten off and sew craters to planet.


Using Yarn E, work Rounds 1-9, then Rounds 18-24 of the Planet pattern. Fasten off.


Round 1 (RS) Using Yarn B, surface crochet around centre of the Planet on Round 9 as follows: inserting hook into any stitch draw up a loop and ch1 (does not count as st),

(dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next st) 8 times. [48 sts]

Round 2 Continuing in a spiral on Round 1 sts, dc in next 2 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 5 sts) 7 times, 2dc in next stitch, dc in next 3 sts. [56 sts]

Fasten off.


Using Yarn B, work Rounds 1-3, then Round 24 of Planet pattern.


The ring cover uses all yarn shades, in order D, E, F, C and B.

Using Yarn A, ch26.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in each ch to end. [25 sts]

Row 2 Ch1 (doesn’t count as st throughout), dc in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Change to next colour, ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Row 4 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn. Repeat Rows 3-4 until work measures 77cm in length, changing colour every 2 rows. Cut the yarn after each colour change leaving an 8cm tail for sewing up later. Sew the crocheted Ring Cover around the polystyren­e ring, using the tails from the colour changes. Sew the final row to the first row.


Cut two 38cm lengths of each colour. Sew each length evenly spaced around the top of the ring, then gather the loose ends together, knot and attach them to the metal hook. Cut lengths of yarn to attach each Planet to the mobile as follows: Mercury: 13cm of Yarn C

Venus: 18cm of Yarn E

Earth: 23cm of Yarn D

Mars: 28cm of Yarn A

Jupiter: 33cm of Yarn B

Saturn: 38cm of Yarn A

Uranus: 43cm of Yarn E

Neptune: 48cm of Yarn D

Pluto: 53cm of Yarn B

Start by attaching the yarn length for Mercury to the ring with a safety pin, then sew that length to the Planet. Then continue attaching the Planets in the order listed, making sure that each Planet hangs slightly lower than the Planet before it so that the Planets hang in a spiral and can be seen easily. Once you are happy with the placement, sew into position.

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