Simply Crochet

How do I work a mosaic treble?

Creating a mosaic treble stitch is a great new skill.


Now you’re ready for the fun bit: making a mosaic treble (abbreviate­d as mtr). The stitch markers and the ch-3 lengths show where you’re going to place mosaic trebles on the next row.

Step 1 Using Yarn A to work Row 5, ch1 and dc in the first 3 dc. Now you’re going to work a mosaic treble into the first marked stitch (it will help to remove the stitch marker before trying to make the stitch).

Step 2 To start a mosaic treble, yrh and insert hook into the top of the stitch. Rotate the hook so it sits in front of the ch-3 lengths of Yarn B above it. Yrh and pull up loop.

Step 3 (Yrh and pull through 2 loops) twice. You’ll see that the finished mosaic treble is just like a standard treble, but it should sit at the front of the fabric, in front of the two ch-3 lengths of Yarn B.

Step 4 If you turn your fabric over, the mosaic treble should not be visible at the back of the work.

Step 5 Now you can make another mosaic treble in the next marked stitch by repeating Steps 2-3. To continue Row 5, dc in each of the next 5 dc, ch3, skip 2 dc (mark these skipped sts if desired), dc in each of the next 5 dc, make 2 mtr as before, dc in each of next 3 dc.

Step 6 Turn and work Row 6: ch1, dc in each of the next 10 sts (including the 2 mtr), ch3, skip ch-3 sp, dc in each stitch to the end (including the 2 mtr), rememberin­g to change to Yarn B on the final dc. Turn and your work should look like this. You’ll have worked 2 pairs of mosaic trebles to create two vertical links between the stripes of Yarn A. You’ll also have set the position of 2 mtr sts to be worked in Yarn B on Row 7.

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