Simply Crochet

How do I use a mosaic chart?

It’s easy once you know a few simple rules to get you started.


To practise using a chart, let’s work Row 7 from the chart (see previous page), reading the squares from right to left.

Step 1 This is a Yarn B row and the first 8 squares are in Yarn B, over Yarn A squares, so simply ch1 and dc into each of the first 8 dc.

Step 2 The next 2 squares are in Yarn A – since this is a Yarn B row, you need to skip 1 dc for each square, so skip 2 dc and ch3 instead. The length of your chain is equal to the number of sts skipped, plus one extra so that the fabric doesn’t pucker. If this was a Yarn A row and there were 4 squares in Yarn B, you would skip 4 dc and ch5.

Step 3 Next you’ll encounter a ch-3 length. Look 3 rows down for 2 skipped dc and work a mosaic tr into each. If you’re not sure how many dc were skipped, refer to the chart. The next 2 squares are in Yarn A so work as given in Step 2. The final 8 squares are in Yarn B (over Yarn A squares) so work as given in Step 1.

Step 4 Turn and you’ll be working a simple even row. Just ch1 and dc into each dc or mtr, and chain over each chain. So Row 8 is: ch1, dc into each of first 8 dc, ch3, skip ch-3 length, dc into each of 2 mtr, ch3, skip ch-3 length, dc into each of next 8 dc, changing to Yarn A on the final dc. Turn and your work should look like this.

Step 5 To work more rows, just follow the rules set out above. Row 9 would be: ch1, dc in each of first 8 dc, mtr in each of next 2 skipped dc from Row 6, ch3, skip 2 dc, mtr in each of 2 sk dc, dc in each of next 8 dc

Step 6 Continue as set, working the rest of the chart. The final 2 rows should form a neat border, so end on the same colour you started with and omit any skipped dc and just work dc or mtr sts. See the bottom of the page for how the finished piece compares to the chart.

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