Simply Crochet


Hook up our cute doggy key ring, designed by Ilaria Caliri. Darcy Dachshund is a charmer.


Take this popular puppy out wherever you go – Darcy will look after your keys or make your bag look fab! It’s a handy little last-minute gift for birthdays, or just start now and give everyone a cute canine stocking filler this Christmas. Ruff ruff!


With Yarn A, make a magic loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), 6dc into the loop. [6 sts]

Round 2 2dc in each st around. [12 sts]

Round 3 Ch12, tr in third ch from hook, tr in next 9 ch (body), working on sts of Round 2, (2dc, dc) 3 times, ch1, 2tr in next st, ch1, dc in next 4 sts, ch3, dc in second and third ch (leg made), tr into the same st as last dc before the leg, tr in next st, 10tr across opposite side of foundation ch, ch3, dc in second and third ch (leg made), 2dc into the side of the last tr, dc in same ch as last tr, ch5, dc in second ch from hook, dc next ch, htr in next ch, tr in next ch, ss to body to join.

Fasten off and weave in ends.


With Yarn B, ch5.

Row 1 Dc in second ch from hook, dc next ch, htr in next ch, 4htr in next ch, continue working on the other side of the foundation ch, htr in next st, 2dc.

Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing the Ear to the head. [10 sts]


With Yarn C, ch9.

Row 1 Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across. [8 sts]

Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing. Fold the strap in half and stitch it at the middle of the back. BOW TIE

With Yarn C, ch3.

Round 1 Ss in third ch from hook, ch3, ss in last ss, fasten off leaving a long tail. Wrap the yarn around the centre of the bow, do not weave in the end.


Use Yarn A to sew the two Body pieces together, using a little bit of toy stuffing if desired. Stitch the nose and the eyes using black embroidery. We have positioned the nose in the first ch-1 sp of Round 3, and the eye between Rounds 2 and 3 – you can use the image as a guide.

Sew the Ear in place and secure the Bow Tie around the neck using the fastening-off tail.

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