Simply Crochet


As a textile graduate with a air for design, it was inevitable that the discovery of crochet would lead to obsession for Sharna Moore.


Threads, fabric, yarn and myriad other textile temptation­s have always been at the heart of Sharna Moore’s crafty, creative life. “Having studied textiles at college, my biggest interest was creating beautiful collages from recycled materials and freehand machine embroidery,” Sharna says. “I discovered my eye for crochet after wandering into a little boutique shop in Brighton and coming across a gorgeous crocheted top. When I went online I was continuall­y inspired by the creative crochet appearing on my Instagram feed.”

As a result, Sharna decided to get to grips with crochet herself. “I taught myself by watching YouTube videos,” she says. “After a few dodgy granny squares I took myself along to a beginner’s crochet class and the obsession began in earnest!”

Sharna threw herself in at the deep end, diving straight into homewares. “My first project was a pretty granny square cushion using gorgeous chunky cotton in grey, white and pink,” she says. “I was so pleased with it, and soon my sofa was covered!”

Once her husband was used to the influx of new additions to their home, he had a special request. “He asked me to crochet him a hat, but I couldn’t just make one hat… and so the next obsession began.”


Right from the start, Sharna was keen to challenge herself to dream up her own crochet patterns, drawing from an eclectic range of influences. “I’m inspired by fashion trends and different colour palettes,” she says. “My go-to colours are mustard, pink and light pastel shades. When designing patterns which are wearable I feel so proud because I never knew I’d come this far.”

Sharna begins plotting out new patterns by sketching her ideas. “I love bringing them to life by experiment­ing with different stitches and yarns,” she says. “I’m not afraid of trying new things and having a go at my own ideas.” And she urges us to follow her example. “You must give yourself time and enjoy it. I loved challengin­g myself with different projects, such as accessorie­s like scarves and hats.”

As soon as Sharna felt confident in the quality of the items she was designing and

making, she started sharing her crochet and patterns on Instagram. “I was using it as a journal of my current projects,” she explains. “I continued to share different patterns, and this was when I discovered other people were interested in my work.” The realisatio­n encouraged Sharna to present her patterns for free on her blog for the first time. “It gave me such a warm feeling when people started to use my patterns.”

Prompted by her fervour for fashion and the desire to bolster her wardrobe with stylish new garments, Sharna cites her favourite projects as those of the wearable variety, especially “great big cuddly cardigans with matching cosy slippers!”

In the early days of her crochet journey, this included tailoring her new coat purchases to match her freshly hooked crocheted hats. “Every time we entered a new season it meant I could experiment with new colours, so I’d notice a difference in my work,” she says. “I’m also inspired by other crocheters, furnishing­s and nature.”


Like so many of us, Sharna relishes the opportunit­ies crochet offers to challenge her mind. “One of the things I love most about crochet is that I’m always learning new skills and techniques,” she says. “Plus, you can crochet almost anywhere, from your sofa to a beach – it’s such a relaxing hobby, and it allows you to be creative. The number of beautiful colours you can merge together to create such stunning things is so rewarding. If I’ve had a stressful day I’ll always reach for my crochet to unwind.”

Deliciousl­y chunky, lustrous yarns are always top of Sharna’s wish-list. “My favourite yarn is chunky Peruvian wool,” she says. “I love the texture it creates, especially when using simple crochet stitches. It whips up fast, so you can have a new blanket or jumper in no time. It’s the Dior of all yarns!” The type of project affects her yarn choice, too. “I use cotton when crocheting granny squares, pretty motifs and summer tops. You can show off your skills and the shine you get off the cotton looks effective.”

Dinky crochet tools are all part of the fun. “My favourite tools to use are wooden crochet hooks and I have a passion for collecting cute little embroidery scissors,” Sharna confesses.


Those cuddly crochet cardigans have supplied their own array of challenges, Sharna tells us. “I have experience­d a few crochet disasters in my time,” she says. “Once I made a big chunky cardigan that was large enough to fit my whole family inside! I’m a firm believer that you can’t strive for success without making mistakes , and I realised the importance of measuring.”

On an average day, you’ll find Sharna just “lounging on my sofa in my perfect cosy spot, which sounds great, but does cause trouble when I lose my hooks down the back of it.” She adds: “If I’m concentrat­ing on a more complex project I’ll shut myself into the studio with all my inspiratio­ns, ideas in progress and yarn.”

Her inspiratio­ns include a daily dose of online browsing. “I don’t have a favourite craft blog, but I’m always drawn towards makeanddoc­ and allaboutam­ I love the variety of crochet patterns they share – their colour palettes are just stunning and their photograph­y suggests they have such a passion for crochet.”

Sharna continues to post pictures of her ongoing and finished projects on Instagram. “I love the community – it’s so encouragin­g. The feedback I receive is an excellent motivator,” she says. “Instagram has led me to some excellent opportunit­ies, such as meeting new friends as well as some great collaborat­ions with yarn companies such as Wool and The Gang and We Are Knitters.”

Her blog provides Sharna with the means to reciprocat­e all this loveliness. “I like to give back by sharing my patterns for free on my blog,” she enthuses. “I give other amazing crafters shout-outs, too, because I feel they deserve to be recognised.”

Coming up, Sharna has plenty of exciting plans. “I have some new patterns in mind and I want to improve my blog and crochet tapestry skills. And, as always, I look forward to meeting lots of new crafty friends in the future.”

Written by Judy Darley

Find out more at www.sweetsharn­ and see her on Instagram @sweet_sharna


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Sharna started with granny squares, but was soon designing her own crochet patterns.
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