Simply Crochet


Bring powerful positivity wherever you go with this cheerful scarf by Marianne Rawlins


When the sky says ‘bleak midwinter’ but your heart says ‘summer madness’, reach for this colour-popping , bright delight of a neck-warming accessory.


Scarf is made up of four sections, which are joined together at the end. There are two charts on page 97 which you will need to refer to for all colour changes. Change colour on the final yrh of st before colour change is indicated.



Using Yarn C, ch38.

Row 1 Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [37 sts]

Row 2 Ch1 (does not count as a st throughout), dc in each st across, turn.

Rows 3-4 As Row 2.

Use the Heart Chart on page 97 for all colourwork over Rows 5-17.

Row 5 Ch1, dc in first 2 sts, *pm in next st to mark first st of Chart, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn C, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn B dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn C, dc in next 2 sts (pm in final st to mark last st of Chart)**, dc in next 7 sts; rep from * to ** once more, dc in final 2 sts, turn.

Rows 6-17 Continue in pattern working from the Heart Chart between each set of markers.

Rows 18-21 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn. Use the Heart Chart for all colourwork over Rows 22-34.

Row 22 Ch1, dc in first 12 sts, pm in next st to mark first st of Chart, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn C, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn C, dc in next 2 sts (pm in final st to mark last st of Chart), dc in final 12 sts, turn.

Rows 23-34 Continue in pattern working from the Heart Chart between each set of marked sts.

Rows 35-38 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Rows 39-72 Repeat Rows 5-38, turn.

Work a round of dc around section as follows, working 1dc into each st and row end, and 2dc into each corner.

Fasten off.

CABLE SECTION Using Yarn G, ch36.

Row 1 (RS) Tr in fourth ch from hook and in each st across, turn. [34 sts]

Row 2 (WS) Ch3 (counts as a tr throughout), tr in next 5 sts, *BPdtr around next 4 sts, tr in next 5 sts; rep from * twice more, tr in final st, turn.

Row 3 Ch3, tr in next 5 sts, *skip next 2 sts (pm in skipped sts), FPdtr around next 2 sts, FPdtr around 2 skipped sts (marked sts) working in front of last two sts made , tr in next 5 sts; rep from * twice more, tr in final st, turn.

Rows 4-42 As Rows 2-3.

Work a round of dc around Cable Section as follows:

Round 43 (RS) Ch1, *dc in each st to next corner, 2dc in corner, 2dc in each row end to next corner, 2dc in corner; rep from * once more, ss to beg dc to join.

Fasten off.


Using Yarn A, ch39.

Row 1 (RS) Htr in third ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [37 sts]

Rows 2-3 Ch2 (does not count as a st throughout), htr each st across, turn. Change to Yarn E.

Rows 4-36 As Row 2, alternatin­g between Yarn A and E every 3 rows.

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Using Yarn F, ch38.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [37 sts]

Follow the Diagonal Stripe Chart on page 97 for all colourwork over Rows 2-62.

Rows 2-62 Ch1, dc in each st across working Rows 2-14 of chart once and then working Rows 7-14 of chart six times.

Rows 63-64 As Rows 7-8 of chart.

Fasten off.

Using Yarn B, work a row of dc down the row ends on either side of the Section.

Fasten off.


Weave in all ends and block each section keeping the widths of each section consistent. Sew each section together in the following order: Heart, Diagonal Stripe, Cable and Stripe. Make 6 pompoms using a mixture of all yarns and attach 3 to each short end of the Scarf.

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