Simply Crochet


Create Emma Friedlande­r-Collins’ clever apron with a pair of jeans and a little cunning hookwork...



■ Rico Essentials Cotton DK (100% cotton, 50g/130m) 2 balls of Pistachio (86)

■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) hook

■ A large and sharp needle

■ A large pair of jeans

For yarn stockists contact Rico Design TENSION

Tension is not critical for this project, but it may affect the yarn quantities required


Measuremen­ts dependant on size of jeans used


This pattern should be used as a guide.

For the sewing sections you can hand sew the sections together or use a sewing machine. You will need a sharp needle or bodkin to make holes in the fabric that are large enough to pass a 3.5mm hook through.


For a full list, see page 94

Stains on your new home-hooked jumper? Perish the thought. Keep spills away from your handmade wardrobe with this hardy, handy apron. Repurpose a pair of jeans by following the steps below, or upgrade an existing apron with this bright crochet border and pair of useful pockets.



Use the images on the page opposite when making the Apron.

01 Cut the legs from the jeans just below the pockets.

02 With one leg, cut the seam off, turn inside out, fold in half and cut out a section from the open edge to create the armhole shaping.

03 Repeat with the second leg, then cut off the second seam with a curve across the bottom. None of these cuts needs to fit your body exactly, rough shapes will do.

04 Pin the pieces together and sew up the side seams.

05 Cut two more strips from the tops of the legs approx 8-10cm wide.

06 Cut off the seam to make two long strips. 07 Pin one strap from the left back to the front right, and one strap from the back right to the front left, then sew in place.


Using a large sharp needle make a hole 0.5cm from the edge. Continue to make holes around the edge of the Apron and straps approx 1cm apart.

Join Pistachio into any hole with a ss.

Round 1 (RS) Ch1, 2dc in each hole around edge of Apron, ss to beg dc.

Fasten off.


Using Pistachio, ch6, ss to first ch to form a loop.

Round 1 (RS) Ch4 (counts as tr and ch1), (tr, ch1) 11 times, ss to third ch of beg ch-4 to join. [12 tr]

Round 2 Ch1, dc in first st, *ch4, dc in next st, (ch1, skip 1 st, dc in next st) twice; rep from * 3 times more omitting final dc, ss to beg dc, ss into ch-4 sp. [12 dc, 4 ch-4 corner sps, 8 ch-1 sps]

Round 3 Ch6 (counts as tr and ch3 throughout), 3tr in same sp, *2-tr cl in next ch-1 sp, ch2, 2-tr cl in next ch-1 sp**, (3tr, ch3, 3tr) in next ch-4 sp; rep from * 3 times more ending final rep at **, 2tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6, ss into ch-3 sp. [24 tr, 8 2-tr cluster]

Round 4 Ch6, 2tr in same sp, *tr in next 3 sts,

ch1, skip 2-tr cl, tr in ch-1 sp, ch1, skip 2-tr cl, tr in next 3 sts**, (2tr, ch3, 2tr) in ch-3 sp; rep from * 3 times ending final rep at **, tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6, ss into ch-3 sp. [44 tr, 4 ch-3 sps, 8 ch-1 sps]

Round 5 Ch6, 2tr in same sp, *tr in next 4 sts, ch1, skip 1 st, tr in ch-1 sp, ch3, skip 1 st, tr in next ch-1 sp, ch1, skip 1 st, tr in next 4 sts**, (2tr, ch3, 2tr) in next ch-3 sp; rep from * 3 times more ending final rep at **, tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6, ss into ch-3 sp.

[56 tr, 8 ch-3 sps, 8 ch-1 sps]

Round 6 Ch6, 2tr in same sp, *tr in next 6 sts, skip next tr, (3tr, ch1, 3tr) in ch-3 sp, skip next tr, tr in next 6 sts**, (2tr, ch3, 2tr) in ch-3 corner sp; rep from * 3 times more ending final rep at **, tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6, ss into ch-3 sp. [88 tr, 4 ch-3 sps, 4 ch-1 sps]

Round 7 Ch6, 2tr in same sp, *tr in next 8 sts, ch3, skip 3 sts, dc in ch-1 sp, ch3 skip 3 sts, tr in next 8 sts**, (2tr, ch3, 2tr) in ch-3 sp; rep from * 3 times more ending final rep at **, tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6, ss into ch-3 sp. [80 tr, 4 dc, 12 ch-3 sps]

Round 8 Ch6, 2tr in same sp, *tr in next 10 sts, 3tr in ch-3 sp, skip 1 st, 3tr in next ch-3 sp, tr in next 10 sts**, (2tr, ch3, 2tr) in ch-3 corner sp; rep from * 3 times more, ending final rep at **, tr in same sp as beg ch-6, ss to third ch of beg ch-6. [120 tr, 4 ch-3 sps]

Round 9 Ch1, dc in each st to next corner, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp; rep from * around, ss to top of beg dc. [136 dc]

Fasten off.

Using the images as a guide sew Pockets into place.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The pockets are patterned motifs, stitched onto the finished apron
The pockets are patterned motifs, stitched onto the finished apron
 ??  ?? Poke holes around the border of the denim apron, then 2dc into each hole for the edging
Poke holes around the border of the denim apron, then 2dc into each hole for the edging
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The crisscross back offers a loose-yet-secure fit
The crisscross back offers a loose-yet-secure fit
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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