Simply Crochet


Welcome in the change of season with a trio of cosy accessorie­s by Gwen McGannon


There’s a nip in the air, but you’re ready to take it on with this headband, cowl and fingerless mitts. This is a chill-free zone!


Headband, Mitts and Cowl are worked in rows. On all pieces, the ends are seamed together and edging is worked around the row-ends.



Using a 5mm hook, ch16.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. [15 dc]

Row 2 Ch1 (does not count as a st throughout), dc in each st across, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, dc in first st, (dc in bl of next st, dc in fl of next st) 6 times, dc in bl of next st, dc in final st, turn.

Rows 4-19 As Row 3.

Row 20 Ch1, dc in first st, 2dc in bl of next st, (dc in fl of next st, dc in bl of next st) 5 times, dc in fl of next st, 2dc in bl of next st, dc in final st, turn. [17 dc]

Row 21 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 22 Ch1, dc in first st, (ch5, skip 3 sts, dc in next st) across to end, turn. [5 dc, 4 ch-5 sps] Row 23 Ch5 (counts as tr and ch2 throughout), dc in first ch-5 sp, shell in next dc, dc in next ch-5 sp, ch5, skip next st, dc in next ch-5 sp, shell in next dc, dc in next ch-5 sp, ch2, tr in final st, turn. [4 dc, 2tr, 2 shells, 1 ch-5 sp, 2 ch-2 sps] Row 24 Ch1, dc in first st, *shell in next dc, dc in centre tr of next shell, shell in next dc**, dc in ch-5 sp; rep from * to **, dc in final st, turn.

[5 dc, 4 shells]

Row 25 Ch5, *dc in centre tr of next shell, shell in next dc, dc in centre tr of next shell**, ch5, skip next dc; rep from * to **, ch2, tr in last st, turn. [4 dc, 2 tr, 2 shell, 1 ch-5 sp, 2 ch-2 sps] Row 26 Ch1, dc in first st, *ch5, skip next dc, dc in next centre tr of next shell, ch5, skip next dc**, dc in next ch-5 sp; rep from * to **, dc in final st, turn. [5 dc, 4 ch-5 sps]

Rows 27-33 Rep Rows 23-26, then rep Rows 23-25. [4 dc, 2 tr, 2 shell, 1 ch-5 sp, 2 ch-2 sps] Row 34 Ch1, dc in first st, *ch3, dc in centre tr of next shell, ch3**, dc in next ch-5 sp; rep from * to **, dc in last st, turn. [5 dc, 4 ch-3 sps]

Row 35 Ch1, dc in first st, (3dc in next ch-3 sp, dc in next dc) across to final st, dc in final st, turn. [17 dc]

Row 36 Ch1, dc in first st, dc2tog in bl of next 2 sts, (dc in fl of next st, dc in bl of next st) to final 3 sts, dc2tog in bl of next 2 sts, dc in final st, turn. [15 dc]

Rows 37-54 As Row 3.

Rows 55-56 As Row 2.


Turn to work across long edge of Headband. (Ss, ch1) evenly across to next corner, place two short edges together as ss through both sides to join, work across next long edge, (ss, ch1) around, ss in beg ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.



Using a 5mm hook, ch22.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. [21 dc]

Row 2 Ch1, dc in first st, (dc in bl of next st, dc in fl of next st) across to final st, dc in final st, turn. Rows 3-23 As Row 2, do not turn at the end of Row 23.

Turn to work across row-ends.

Mitt is seamed over the next row.

Row 24 Ss in each row-end to next corner, fold in half with RS facing out so the sts from Row 1 line up with Row 23, ss in first 7 sts on both sides to join, dc in next 6 sts on front side only (thumb space made, pm in final dc), ss in next 8 sts working through both sides to join, do not turn.


Work on in Rounds over the row-end edge. Round 25 Ch1, dc in first row-end, (ch5, skip 3 rows, dc in next row-end) 5 times, ch5, ss to beg dc, turn. [6 dc, 6 ch-5 sps]

The textured stitch pattern of the mitts is double crochet worked into back loops

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