Simply Crochet



You’ll always know which suitcase is yours thanks to these fun travel tags by Marianne Rawlins. Make one for each family member!

■ Stylecraft Naturals Organic Cotton (100% cotton, 50g/105m), 1 ball of each: Citronelle (7175), Coral (7180), Gypsum (7168), Deep Sea (7199)

■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) hook

■ A luggage tag, 12.5x9cm (available from


22 sts and 18 rows measure 10x10cm (4x4in)


Tag measures approx 13x10cm (5x4in) including Border


Luggage Tag is made up of 2 pieces, which are joined together around a leather or PU tag. There is a Chart on page 95, which you will need to refer to when making the Tag. Each small square represents 1dc. Read all RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right. The first 2 rows of colourwork have been written out to guide you.

Change colour on the final yrh of stitch before colour change is indicated. Carry the unused colour across the top of your stitches, enclosing the strand as you work.


Make 1 using Coral as Yarn A and Gypsum as Yarn B.

Make 1 using Deep Sea as Yarn A and Citronelle as Yarn B.

Using Yarn A, ch29.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [28 sts]

Rows 2-3 Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), dc in each st across, turn.

Row 4 Ch1, dc in first st, change to Yarn B, dc in next 6 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to yarn B, dc in next 4 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in final st, turn.

Row 5 Ch1, dc in first st, (change to Yarn B, dc in next 3 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st) twice, change to Yarn B, dc in next 4 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn B, dc in next 2 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in next st, change to Yarn B, dc in next 6 sts, change to Yarn A, dc in final st, turn.

Rows 6-16 Cont in patt, referring to the chart for all colour changes. Fasten off.


Place Panels together with RS facing out and the luggage tag sandwiched between them. The strap of the Tag should come out from the centre on one short edge.

Work the next round through both Panels to join. Join Gypsum in first row-end next to strap of luggage tag.

Round 1 Ch1, *dc in each row-end or st to corner, 3dc in corner; rep from * around to row-end before strap, dc in each row-end on Panel facing you, working in front of strap, ss to beg dc, turn, dc in each unworked row-end on back piece, ss in next joined dc. Fasten off.

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