Simply Knitting



Work a gathering thread through every stitch along base edge of skirt, draw up tightly and fasten off, then join skirt seam, stopping 12mm above knitted fold line. Use compasses to draw a 10cm diameter circle on to card and cut this out, then glue to wrong side of skirt base, matching edge of circle to fold line. Join remainder of skirt and bodice seam, stuff firmly, then, with seam running down centre back, fold shoulder edge flat and sew across, leaving a 6mm space open in centre. Work a gathering thread through every knitted stitch on last row of skirt, draw up slightly to shape, then tie off ends securely and sew into body.

Following instructio­ns as given for Romeo, make up and fix neck support and head, turning head to the left and tilting down slightly. Wrap knitted neck piece round support and join side edges. Placing this seam at centre back, sew top edge of neck to base of head, then sew to body by working backstitch over every stitch along base edge with Classic Red.

Following instructio­ns as given for Romeo, make up sleeves, without leaving centre unstuffed, and sew to body sides, placing underarm 2 knitted rows above base of bodice. Attach thumbs as given for Romeo, then work a gathering thread through every knitted stitch along first row worked in Honey. Draw up to shape base of puffed sleeve, then tie off ends securely and sew into sleeve. Use Aran yarn to embroider five 2.5cm vertical lines of chain stitch up each puffed sleeve, starting 4 knitted rows up from base and spacing lines 2 knitted stitches apart.

Following instructio­ns as given for Romeo, assemble and attach nose and ears, and embroider features, using Chocolate for eyes and Fox for eyebrows, then blush cheeks. Also work hair with Fox yarn, using 50cm lengths.

Starting at gathered top edge, join cap seam, and stuff very lightly, then smooth hair and sew cap to head in same manner as given for Romeo’s hat. Trim hair to waist length. Mark front, back and side points round cap with pins, which will each be 9 knitted stitches apart. Use a length of Honey yarn to embroider two straight stitches across top of cap, one between front and back points and the other between side points. These stitches will cross at centre point of cap. Now count 3 knitted stitches to each side of the front/back stitch at both ends, and embroider two more straight stitches from front to back between these points. Work at side in same manner to create a lattice pattern across cap. Use pins to hold stitches in place where they cross, then secure at each of these points with a small cross stitch, and remove pins.

To make rose, first pick off cotton wool from each end of cotton bud to form stem. With purl side of rose piece uppermost and cast-on edge on your left, spread a little glue over one end of stem and attach to cast-on edge. Now wind rose piece round end of stem and hold in place at base with a few stitches. Using olive green yarn, and securing end with a spot of glue, bind 6mm of stem directly below rose. Now take leaf and hold yarn tails next to stem and continue to bind remainder of stem. To make a neat finish, use a long needle to sew yarn through the tiny hole up the middle of the stem, drawing this out in centre of rose and trimming away excess. Glue rose stem to palm of Juliet’s left hand, then wrap hand round stem and hold with a few stitches. Curve left arm and catch hand to dress with a few stitches.

To make necklace, use sewing thread and string 21 gold beads, then sew through heart bead and one more gold bead. Now sew back through heart bead and the next gold bead, then thread 20 more gold beads. Wrap round neck and knot securely at centre back, then use remaining thread to hold in place at back of neck with a few stitches, and fasten off securely.

Place Juliet’s right hand in Romeo’s left and secure with a few stitches. If you intend to make these as separate figures, you will need to display Romeo against an upright surface as he will not kneel without Juliet’s help.

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