Simply Knitting

love hearts

These three lavender-scented sachets are made with just one ball of yarn!

- By Sarah Dennis.

These scented hanging hearts are such a subtle, romantic way to decorate for Valentine’s Day – and you can enjoy them for the rest of the year too. Give your knitting skills a workout with the three different stitch patterns – they look great together, or you can choose your favourite look and make a set of matching hearts.

NOTES Use the last row of each chart to cast off, decreasing sts if necessary


Cast on 4 sts using 2¾mm needles. Row 1( WS) Pfb, P2, Pfb. [ 6 sts] Row 2 P1, C4F, P1. Row 3 Pfb, P4, pfb. [ 8 sts] Row 4 P2, K4, P2. Row 5 Kfb, K1, P4, K1, kfb. [10 sts] Row 6 P3, C4F, P3. Row 7 Kfb, K2, P4, K2, kfb. [12 sts] Row 8 K1, P3, K4, P3, K1. Row 9 Pfb, K3, P4, K3, pfb. [14 sts] Row 10 P2, K3, C4F, K3, P2. Row 11 Pfb, P1, K3, P4, K3, P1, pfb.

[16 sts] Row 12 K3, P3, K4, P3, K3. Row 13 Pfb, P2, K3, P4, K3, P2, pfb.

[18 sts] Row 14 ( C4F, P3) twice, C4F. Row 15 Pfb, P3, K3, P4, K3, P3, pfb.

[ 20 sts] Row 16 P1, ( K4, P3) twice, K4, P1. Row 17 Pfb, ( P4, K3) twice, P4, pfb.

[ 22 sts] Row 18 P2, ( C4F, P3) twice, C4F, P2. Row 19 K2, ( P4, K3) twice, P4, K2. Row 20 P2, ( K4, P3) twice, K4, P2. Row 21 Kfb, K1, ( P4, K3) twice, P4, K1, kfb. [ 24 sts] Row 22 ( P3, C4F) three times, P3. Row 23 ( K3, P4) three times, K3. Row 24 ( P3, K4) three times, P3. Row 25 Kfb, K2, ( P4, K3) twice, P4, K2, kfb. [ 26 sts] Row 26 P1, ( P3, C4F) three times, P4. Row 27 K1, ( K3, P4) three times, K4. Row 28 P1 ( P3, K4) three times, K4. Row 29 Kfb, ( K3, P4) three times, K3, kfb. [ 28 sts] Row 30 P2 ( P3, C4F) three times, P5. Row 31 K2 ( K3, P4) three times, K5. Row 32 P2 ( P3, K4) three times, P5. Row 33 K2 ( K3, P4) three times, K5. Row 34 P2 ( P3, C4F) three times, P5. Row 35 K2 ( K3, P4) three times, K5. Row 36 P2 ( P3, K4) three times, P5. Row 37 K2 ( K3, P4) three times, K5. Row 38 P5, C4F, P3, p2tog. [13 sts]

Leave remaining sts on a holder.


Row 39 K2tog, K2, P4, K5. [12 sts] Row 40 P2tog, P3, K4, P3. [11 sts] Row 41 K2tog, K1, P4, K4. [10 sts] Row 42 P2tog, P2, C4F, P2. [ 9 sts] Row 43 K2tog, P4, K1, k2tog. [7 sts] Row 44 P2tog, K4, P1. [ 6 sts] Row 45 P2tog, P2, P2tog. Cast off.


Return to sts on holder and with RS facing, work as folls: Row 38 P2tog, P3, C4F, P5. [13 sts] Row 39 K5, P4, K2, k2tog. [12 sts] Row 40 P3, K4, P3, p2tog. [11 sts] Row 41 K4, P4, K1, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 42 P2, C4F, P2, p2tog. [ 9 sts] Row 43 K2tog, K1, P4 k2tog. [7 sts] Row 44 P1, K4, p2tog. [ 6 sts] Row 45 P2tog, P2, P2tog. Cast off.


Cast on 3 sts using 2¾mm needles.

Row 1( WS) P3. Row 2 Kfb, K1, kfb. [ 5 sts] Row 3 P1, make star, P1. Row 4 Kfb, K3, kfb. [7 sts] Row 5 Make star, P1, make star. Row 6 Kfb, K5, kfb. [ 9 sts] Row 7 P3, make star, P3. Row 8 Kfb, K7, kfb. [11 sts] Row 9 P2, make star, P2. Row 10 Kfb, K9, kfb. [13 sts] Row 11 ( P1, make star) 3 times, P1. Row 12 Kfb, K11, kfb. [15 sts] Row 13 ( Make star, P1) 3 times, make

star. Row 14 Kfb, K13, kfb. [17 sts] Row 15 P3, ( make star, P1) 3 times, P2. Row 16 Kfb, K15, kfb. [19 sts] Row 17 P2, ( make star, P1) 4 times, P1. Row 18 Kfb, K17, kfb. [ 21 sts] Row 19 P1 ( make star, P1) 5 times. Row 20 Kfb, K19, kfb. [ 23 sts] Row 21 ( make star, P1) 5 times, make

star. Row 22 Knit. Row 23 P2, ( make star, P1) 5 times, P1. Row 24 Knit. Row 25 As Row 23. Row 26 Kfb, K21, kfb. [ 25 sts] Row 27 P3, ( make star, P1) 5 times, P2. Row 28 Knit. Row 29 ( P1, make star) 6 times, P1. Row 30 Kfb, K23, Kfb. [ 27 sts] Row 31 ( Make star, P1) 6 times, make

star. Row 32 Knit. Row 33 P2, ( make star, P1) 6 times, P1.

Row 34 K12, k2tog. Place rem sts on holder for left side. [13 sts]

Top Right heart

Row 35 P2tog, ( make star, P1) twice, make star. [12 sts] Row 36 SSK, K8, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 37 P2tog, ( make star, P1) twice.

[ 9 sts] Row 38 SSK, K5, k2tog. [7 sts] Row 39 P1, make star, P1. Row 40 SSK, K3, k2tog. [ 5 sts] Cast off.


Return to sts on holder and with RS facing, work as folls: Row 34 Knit. Row 35 ( Make star, P1) twice, make star, P2tog. [12 sts] Row 36 SSK, K8, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 37 ( P1, make star) twice, p2tog.

[ 9 sts] Row 38 SSK, K5, k2tog. [7 sts] Row 39 P1, make star, P1. Row 40 SSK, K3, k2tog. [ 5 sts] Cast off.


Cast on 3 sts using 2¾mm needles. Row 1 ( WS) P3. Row 2 Kfb, P1, kfb. [ 5 sts] Row 3 K1, P3, K1. Row 4 Pfb, P1, K1, P1, Pfb. [7 sts] Row 5 P1, K1, P3, K1, P1. Row 6 Pfb, P2, K1, P2, pfb. [ 9 sts] Row 7 P2, K1, P3, K1, P2. Row 8 Kfb, P3, K1, P3, kfb. [11 sts] Row 9 ( P3, K1) twice, P3. Row 10 Pfb, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, pfb.

[13 sts] Row 11 ( K1, P3) three times, K1. Row 12 Pfb, P1, ( K1, P3,) twice, K1, P1, pfb. [15 sts] Row 13 P1, ( K1, P3) three times, K1, P1. Row 14 Pfb, P2, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, P2, pfb. [17 sts] Row 15 P2, ( K1, P3) three times, K1, P2. Row 16 Kfb, ( P3, K1) three times, P3, kfb. [19 sts] Row 17 ( P3, K1) 4 times, P3. Row 18 Pfb, ( K1, P3) 4 times, K1, pfb.

[ 21 sts] Row 19 ( K1, P3) 5 times, K1. Row 20 pfb, P1, ( K1, P3) 4 times, K1, P1, pfb. [ 23 sts] Row 21 K1, ( P1, K3) 5 times, K1, P1. Row 22 ( P3, K1) 5 times, P3. Row 23 P1, ( K1, P3) 5 times, K1, P1. Row 24 Pfb, P2, ( K1, P3) 4 times, K1, P2, pfb. [ 25 sts] Row 25 P2 ( K1, P3) 5 times, P1, K2. Row 26 ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1. Row 27 P2, ( K1, P3) 5 times, K1, P2. Row 28 Kfb, ( P3, K1) 5 times, P3, kfb.

[ 27 sts] Row 29 ( P3, K1) 6 times, P3. Row 30 P1, ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1, P1. Row 31 ( P3, K1) 6 times, P3. Row 32 Pfb, ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1, pfb.

[ 29 sts] Row 33 ( K1, P3) 7 times, K1. Row 34 P2, ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1, P2. Row 35 ( K1, P3) 7 times, K1. Row 36 P2 ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1, P2. Row 37 ( K1, P3) 7 times, K1. Row 38 P2, ( K1, P3) 6 times, K1, P2. Row 39 ( K1, P3) 7 times, K1. Row 40 P2, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, P2, P2tog. Place rem sts on holder for left side. [14 sts]


Row 41 K2tog, ( P3, K1) three times.

[13 sts] Row 42 P2, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, P2. Row 43 P2tog, P2, K1, P3, K1, P2, P2tog. [11 sts] Row 44 P1, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, P1. Row 45 P2tog, P1, K1, P3, K1, P1, P2tog. [ 9 sts] Row 46 P2tog, K1, P2, p2tog. [7 sts] Row 47 K2tog, P1, p2tog. [ 5 sts] Cast off.


Return to sts on holder and with RS facing, work as folls: Row 40 ( P3, K1) three times, P2. Row 41 ( K1, P3) 3 times, p2tog. [13 sts] Row 42 P2, ( K1, P3) twice, K1, P2. Row 43 P2tog, P2, K1, P3, K1, P2, P2tog. [11 sts] Row 44 P2, K3, P1, K3, P2. Row 45 P2tog, P1, K1, P3, K1, P1, p2tog. [ 9 sts] Row 46 P2tog, P2, K1, P2, p2tog. [7 sts] Row 47 K2tog, P1,p2tog. [ 5 sts] Cast off.


Use the knitted heart piece as a template to cut the fabric to 2 pieces the right size and shape, adding a 5mm allowance for the seam. Stitch the 2 pieces together leaving a small gap for filling. Turn inside out, fill firmly with lavender, then sew up the gap. Using mattress stitch and with the right sides facing, sew the knitted pieces around the filled inner. Make a plaited or twisted loop to hang the lavender bag and stitch at the top of the heart.

 ??  ?? Each heart uses a different
of stitch pattern for lots
stylish texture
Each heart uses a different of stitch pattern for lots stylish texture
 ??  ?? The pretty star stitch is surprising­ly easy to make by purling stitches together.
The pretty star stitch is surprising­ly easy to make by purling stitches together.
 ??  ?? Everyone loves classic cables, and the heart shape is great for practising on.
Everyone loves classic cables, and the heart shape is great for practising on.
 ??  ?? The bold rib stitch pattern isn’t too girly, so you can give a man this heart!
The bold rib stitch pattern isn’t too girly, so you can give a man this heart!

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