Simply Knitting

How to Crochet


Chain stitch This is the foundation of all crochet stitches.

1 About 6in (15cm) from the end of the yarn, make a loop with the ball end on top. Insert the hook through this loop and catch the yarn, pulling it through the loop. Slide the slipknot up to the hook. 2 With the hook in your right hand, hold the slipknot between thumb and finger of the left hand. Move the hook under and over the yarn. 3 Pull the hook and yarn back through the slipknot loop to form your first chain (ch) stitch. Now repeat steps 1-2 until you’ve formed a chain. 4 This is what your row of chains will look like. Keep going until you have the number of chains that are stated on your pattern. (Don’t count the slipknot.)

Sli p stitch This stitch won’t add height.

1 Insert the hook from front to back under the top of the second chain from the hook. Wrap the yarn round the hook (this is known as yrh). 2 Pull the yarn through both loops on the hook to make a slip stitch (sl st). To carry on working a row of slip stitches, insert the hook into the next chain down and so on, repeating step 2 each time.

found ation rin g Carry on for a spiral.

1 Make a short length of foundation chain as stated in your pattern instructio­ns, for example, ch 5. Insert hook into the first chain. 2 Close the ring with a slip stitch (yarn round hook and pull through). You can continue the spiral. If working in the round, add a stitch marker here.

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