Simply Knitting

Luxury tassel cushion

Relax into this opulent knit.



Debbie Bliss, Cashmerino Aran (55% wool, 33% acrylic, 12% cashmere 50g/90m) 5 balls of Lime (502) A pair of 4½mm needles 6 buttons 40x40cm (15¾x15¾in) cushion insert For yarn stockists contact Designer Yarns 01535 664222 www.designerya­


Yarn used knits as DK to this tension: 20 sts and 25 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 4½mm needles


40x40cm (15¾x15¾in)


Tw2L Twist 2 to left. Pass needle behind first st, K second st, K first st and sl both sts off needle Tw2R Twist 2 to right. Pass needle in front of first st, K second st, K first st and slip both sts off needle For a full list see page 95 We all have a chair, or seat on the sofa we relax into when the day’s chores are completed. Beautify your special spot with this rich green cushion, decorated in an easy-to- knit pattern including a sweet twisted stitch. Its fun-to-make tassels are a great finishing touch too.


Cast on 82 sts using 4½mm needles. Row 1 K1, P1 to end. Row 2 P1, K1 to end. Repeat these two rows until 6 rows have been worked. Work st st until work measures 30cm from cast on edge, ending on a RS row. Next row ( WS) K to marker, turn, inc 9 sts evenly across row. [93 sts]


Rows 1- 6 (Start with a RS row ) K1, *K4, P4, rep from * to last st, K1. Row 7 K1, *Tw2L, Tw2R, K4, rep from * to last st, K1. Rows 8-14 P1, *P4, K4, rep from * to last st P1. Row 15 K1, *K4, Tw2L, Tw2R, rep from * to last st, k1. Row 16 P1, *K4, P4, rep from * to last st, P1. These 16 rows form the pattern. Repeat until front measures 40cm, ending on a row 8 or 16.


Next row (RS) P to marker, turn, dec 9 sts evenly across row. [82 sts] Work 18 rows st st (should end at the beginning of the moss stitch buttonband when folded over, if it does not adjust to the correct length).


Row 1 K1, P1 to end. Row 2 P1, K1 to end. Rep this row once more. Buttonhole row K7, (k2tog, yo, K11) 5 times, k2tog, yo, K8. Rep rows 1 and 2 once more. Cast off.


Block and press edges. Pin and sew side seams. Sew buttons on to correspond with the buttonhole­s.


Cut 8 lengths of 30cm yarn for each individual tassel. Fold the yarn bundle in half and tie a knot at the centre. Cut a length of yarn approx 40cm and wind around near the top to form a knot. Thread through to the back on each corner. Trim to approx 12cm long. NEXT ISSUE CAST ON OUR PRACTICAL ACCESSORY ROLL. ISSUE 161 IS IN THE SHOPS ON FRIDAY 23 JUNE.


DROPS, Paris (100% cotton, 50g/75m), 1 ball of each: Yarn A Light Grey (23) Yarn B Opal Green (11) A set of 5mm double-pointed needles For yarn stockists contact Wool Warehouse 0800 505 3300 www.woolwareho­


Yarn used knits as aran to this tension: 17 sts and 22 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 5mm needles


To fit a 500ml water bottle (length approx 21.5cm, diameter approx 6.5cm)


For a full list see page 95

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Our designer, Siân, chose rustic-looking wooden buttons to complement the deep green yarn.
Our designer, Siân, chose rustic-looking wooden buttons to complement the deep green yarn.
 ??  ?? A 16-row pattern creates an interestin­g texture that’s perfect for cushions.
A 16-row pattern creates an interestin­g texture that’s perfect for cushions.
 ??  ?? Tassels are fun to make and can add detail to anything you’re knitting for the home.
Tassels are fun to make and can add detail to anything you’re knitting for the home.
 ??  ?? erino Debbie Bliss Cashm Aran combines soft Merino wool with opulent cashmere
erino Debbie Bliss Cashm Aran combines soft Merino wool with opulent cashmere
 ??  ?? MEET OUR DESIGNER Siân Brown “I designed a simple but e!ec"ve s"tch for this cushion – the one used is a repea"ng mo"f with a #ist at the top. I also created tassels for the corners for a little bit of interest.”
MEET OUR DESIGNER Siân Brown “I designed a simple but e!ec"ve s"tch for this cushion – the one used is a repea"ng mo"f with a #ist at the top. I also created tassels for the corners for a little bit of interest.”
 ??  ??

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