Simply Knitting

Boys’ cable pullover

Classic stiches for stylish look



Stylecraft, Life DK (75% acrylic, 25% wool, 100g/298m ball) Stylecraft, Life Vintage Look (75% acrylic, 25% wool, 100g/298m ball) A pair of 3½mm needles A pair of 4mm needles 1 cable needle 2 stitch holders For yarn stockists contact Stylecraft 01535 609798


Yarn used knits as DK to this tension: 26 sts and 28 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over cable patt using 4mm needles


For a full list see page 95 Monica Russel’s jumper is packed with texture. The cable stitch pattern creates a grid with a pebbly feel thanks to the slubby yarn in the yoke and the tops of the sleeves. A variegated yarn floods the rest of the jumper with rich colour. Made with a machine-washable yarn, this jumper will see many days of exploratio­n in nature’s playground.


Row 1 (RS) Knit. Row 2 and all alternate rows Purl. Row 3 K1, *C4B, K4, C4F; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 5 Knit. Row 7 K3, C4F, C4B, *K4, C4F, C4B; rep from * to last 3 sts, K3. Row 8 Purl.


Cast on 102 ( 110: 118) sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Next row Knit through the back of every stitch to form a neat edge. Row 1 *K2, P2; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2. Row 2 P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end. Rep Rows 1 and 2 once more (2x2 rib). Change to 4mm needles and Yarn B. Work Cable Pattern until back meas approx 31 ( 33: 35) cm, ending with RS facing for next row. Change to Yarn A and cont as set until work meas approx 46 ( 50: 54) cm, ending with Row 4 or 8 of pattern.


Cast off 17 ( 18: 19) sts beg of next 4 rows. Leave rem 34 ( 38: 42) sts on stitch holder.


Work as for back until 20 rows fewer have been worked, ending with RS facing for next row.


Next row Patt 37 ( 40: 42) sts, k2tog, turn and leave rem sts on a holder. Cont on these 38 ( 41: 43) sts for first side of neck. Cont working in patt as set and AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st at neck edge on next 4 ( 5: 5) foll alt rows. [34 ( 36: 38) sts] Cont in Cable Pattern as set without further shaping until front measures the

same as the back to shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.


Next row Cast off 17 ( 18: 19) sts, patt to end. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 17 ( 18: 19) sts. Leave centre 24 ( 28: 32) sts on stitch holder. Work as given for first side of neck, reversing all shapings.

SLEEVES (BOTH ALIKE) Cast on 46 ( 46: 58) sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Next row Knit through the back of every stitch to form a neat edge. Work 5cm in 2x2 rib as set on back, ending with a RS row. Change to 4mm needles and Yarn B. Next row ( WS) Inc 4 sts evenly across the row. [50 ( 50: 62) sts] Start working the Cable Pattern and AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of 3rd and 3 ( 14: 4) foll 4th ( 4th: alt) row then on every foll 6th ( 6th: 4th) row until you have 78 ( 88: 114) sts and AT SAME TIME when work meas 16 ( 17: 19) cm change to Yarn A. Cont working in Cable Pattern until sleeve meas 32 ( 36: 40) cm, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off rem sts.


Join right shoulder seam. With RS facing, using 3 mm needles and Yarn A, pick up and knit 14 ( 14: 14) sts down left side of neck, knit across 24 ( 28: 32) sts on front neck holder, pick up and knit 14 ( 14: 14) sts up right side of neck and knit across 34 ( 38: 42) sts on back neck holder. [86 ( 94: 102) sts] Beg with 2nd row, work 8 rows of 2x2 rib as set on back.

Cast off loosely in rib.


Join left shoulder seam and neckband seam. Fold sleeves in half lengthways and place fold to shoulder seam, sew in position to where the colours change. Join side and sleeve seams. NEXT MONTH GET YOUR NEEDLES INTO JANE BURNS’S FUN PANDA JUMPER FOR KIDS. ISSUE 161 WILL BE IN SHOPS FRIDAY 23 JUNE.

 ??  ?? SIZING COLOUR KEY So you can re-use this pattern, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns. Simply follow our colour-coded measuremen­ts and you’re off.
SIZING COLOUR KEY So you can re-use this pattern, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns. Simply follow our colour-coded measuremen­ts and you’re off.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Start the colour section after the ribbing then change to plain colour for the top.
Start the colour section after the ribbing then change to plain colour for the top.
 ??  ?? Monica Russel “I see a gap in the ‘market’ for kni!ear for boys. I think there are insu"cient modern patterns for boys’ garments and thought that crea#ng a design using cables would be really fun.” The slubby yarn is a tactile treat and it comes in...
Monica Russel “I see a gap in the ‘market’ for kni!ear for boys. I think there are insu"cient modern patterns for boys’ garments and thought that crea#ng a design using cables would be really fun.” The slubby yarn is a tactile treat and it comes in...
 ??  ?? The jumper is a sturdy design boys will love but we reckon girls will want to wear it too! Wool Warehouse are offering 10% off Stylecraft Life DK and Life Vintage DK! Quote offer code SK160 when you order. To place your order call 01926 882818 or visit...
The jumper is a sturdy design boys will love but we reckon girls will want to wear it too! Wool Warehouse are offering 10% off Stylecraft Life DK and Life Vintage DK! Quote offer code SK160 when you order. To place your order call 01926 882818 or visit...

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