Simply Knitting

Easy sideways top

Worn with a skirt or trousers, this sideways-knitted top is cute and versatile.

- Designed by Sarah Hatton.


Rowan, Handknit Cotton (100% cotton, 50g/85m balls) A pair of 3¼mm needles A pair of 4mm needles A pair of 5mm needles Stitch holders For yarn stockists contact Rowan 01484 950630


Yarn used knits as DK to this tension: 20 sts and 27 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 5mm needles


For a full list see page 95 Sarah Hatton can be relied on to give us something different. This top is knitted sideways. You start with a cuff and end with a cuff and in between you shape a sleeve, work the front and back, then shape the other sleeve. Sewing up the side seams is all that’s left to do for it to be ready to wear. It’s perfect for knitters who dislike sewing and setting in sleeves, and as it’s knitted in a Rowan yarn you know the result will be lovely.


The top is worked in one piece from side to side starting at the left cuff. When working the wrap sts on the foll row you’ll need to work the wrap together with the wrapped st to make it invisible.


Cast on 75 ( 79: 83: 87: 93) sts using 3 mm needles. Row 1 (RS) K1, *P1, K1tbl, rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1. Row 2 *P1, K1, rep from * to last st, P1. These 2 rows set rib. Work in rib as set for 8 ( 8:8: 9:9) cm, ending with WS facing for next row. Next row Rib to end, inc 1 st at end of row. [76 ( 80: 84: 88: 94) sts]


Change to 4mm needles. Beg with a K row and working in st st throughout, cont as folls: Work 2 rows. Next row K2, kfb, knit to last 3 sts, kfb, K2. [2 sts inc’d] This row sets sleeve shaping. Inc 1 st as set at each end of 6 foll 4th rows. [90 ( 94: 98: 102: 108) sts] Work 3 ( 3:3: 5:5) rows without shaping, ending with RS facing for next row.


Cast on 48 ( 50: 52: 54: 55) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [186 ( 194: 202: 210: 218) sts] Row 1 (RS) K1, (K1, P1) twice, knit to last 5 sts, (P1, K1) twice, K1. Row 2 K1, (P1, K1) twice, purl to last 5 sts, (K1, P1) twice, K1. These 2 rows set st st and rib edging. Work 0 ( 2:6:8: 12) rows as set. Next row Patt 90 ( 94: 98: 102: 106) sts, kfb, place marker, K3, kfb, patt to end. [188 ( 196: 204: 212: 220) sts] Work 7 ( 9: 9: 11: 13) rows, ending with RS facing for next row. Next row Patt to 1 st before marker, kfb, sl sm, K3, kfb, patt to end. [190 ( 198: 206: 214: 222) sts] Work 7 ( 9: 9: 11: 13) rows, ending with RS facing for next row. Next row Patt to 1 st before marker, kfb, K3, kfb, patt to end. [192 ( 200: 208: 216: 224) sts] Work 9 ( 9: 13: 15: 17) rows without shaping.


Next row Patt 91 ( 95: 99: 103: 107), (P1, K1) twice, K1, turn, leaving rem 96 ( 100: 104: 108: 112) sts on a holder. Cont on these sts only as folls: Next row K1, (P1, K1) twice, patt to end. These 2 rows set neck shaping. Work 68 ( 70: 72: 72: 72) rows more as set. Leave these sts on a holder. DO NOT BREAK OFF YARN.


With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem 96 ( 100: 104: 108: 112) sts and cont as folls:

Row 1 (RS) Using 4mm needle, K1, (P1, K1) twice, patt to end.

Row 2 Using 5mm needle, patt to last 5 sts, (K1, P1) twice, K1. These 2 rows set neck edging and which needle to use (4mm needle for RS rows and 5mm needle for WS rows). Work 4 ( 6:6: 8: 8) rows.


Next 2 rows Patt 30, w&t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 33, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 36, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 39, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 42, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 39, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 36, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 33, w& t, patt to end. Work 6 rows. Next 2 rows Patt 30, w&t, patt to end. Work 6 ( 6:6: 8: 8) rows, ending with RS facing for next row. Leave rem sts on a holder.


Using 4mm needles only, with RS facing, working on sts left on a holder for back, patt 5, knit to end, working on sts left on a holder for front knit to last 5 sts, patt 5. Work 9 ( 9: 13: 15: 17) rows without shaping, ending with RS facing for next row. [192 ( 200: 208: 216: 224) sts] Next row Patt 92 ( 96: 100: 104: 108), k2tog, place marker, K4, sl1, K1, psso, patt to end. [190 ( 198: 206: 214: 222) sts] Work 7 ( 9: 9: 11: 13) rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Next row Patt to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, K4, sl1, K1, psso, patt to end. [188 ( 196: 204: 212: 220) sts] Work 7 ( 9: 9: 11: 13) rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Next row Patt to 2 sts before marker, K2tog, K4, sl1, K1, psso, patt to end. [186 ( 194: 202: 210: 218) sts] Work 1 ( 3:7: 9: 13) rows as set, ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off 48 ( 50: 52: 54: 55) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [90 ( 94: 98: 102: 108) sts]


Work 2 ( 2: 2:4:4) rows without shaping, ending with RS facing for next row. Dec row K2, k2tog, knit to last 4 sts, sl1, K1, K2. [88 ( 92: 96: 100: 106) sts] This row sets sleeve shaping. Dec 1 st as set at each end of 6 foll 4th rows. [76 ( 80: 84: 88: 94) sts] Work 3 rows, ending with RS facing for next row and AT SAME TIME change to 3 mm needles and dec 1 st at end of last row. [75 ( 79: 83: 87: 93) sts]


Change to 3 mm needles. Work in rib as set for 8 ( 8:8: 9: 9) cm, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off in rib.


Join side and underarm seams.

 ??  ?? to No shoulder seams back sew – front and are knitted together from side to side!
to No shoulder seams back sew – front and are knitted together from side to side!
 ??  ?? The wide neckline slopes gently, creating a soft shape at the nape of the neck.
The wide neckline slopes gently, creating a soft shape at the nape of the neck.
 ??  ?? Work 1x1 ribbing on the cuffs for 8-9cm (depending on your sizing).
Work 1x1 ribbing on the cuffs for 8-9cm (depending on your sizing).

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