Simply Knitting

Amanda Berry’s bunny

We know you love bunnies, especially at Easter, so we’ve asked Amanda Berry to design a cute flu tail for you!

- Amanda Berry “It can be cooler on spring mornings, so I made Bertie Bunkins a little jacket to keep him warm while he is busy hiding our eggs.”


Patons, Fairytale Fab Baby Smiles 4ply (100% acrylic, 50g/184m) 1 ball of each: Yarn A Grey (1090) Yarn B White (1001) Yarn C Apple Green (1072) Small amounts of black and peach 4ply yarn for embroideri­ng the eyes, ears and nose A pair of 3 mm needles Toy filling Two 10mm diameter buttons for the jacket For yarn stockists contact Patons 01484 950630


Yarn used knits as 4ply to this tension: 28 sts and 36 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 3 mm needles


30cm (12in) tall, excluding ears


For a full list see page 95 If we were to vote for our all-time favourite nursery toy a bunny would be right at the very top – we simply can’t get enough of all those wonderful cute characteri­stics. Using simple techniques, you can easily complete Bertie Bunkins in his sweet cardi this month and give a treasured little one the cuddliest Easter treat ever!


(MAKE 1) Start at the back of the Head. Cast on 10 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 ( WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 9 times. [19 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 9 times. [28 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 9 times. [37 sts] Rows 7 to 9 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 10 K1, (kfb, K3) 9 times. [46 sts] Rows 11 to 25 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 26 K11, (ssk, K2) 3 times, (K2, k2tog) 3 times, K11. [40 sts] Row 27 Purl. Row 28 K11, (ssk, K1) 3 times, (K1, k2tog) 3 times, K11. [34 sts] Row 29 Purl. Cast off.


(MAKE 1) Cast on 34 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 to 3 Beg and ending on a P row work in st st. Row 4 K1, k2tog, knit to the last 3 sts, ssk, K1. [2 sts dec’d] Row 5 Purl. Rows 6 to 9 Rep Rows 4 and 5 twice more. [28 sts] Row 10 K1, (k2tog, K1) 9 times. [19 sts] Row 11 Purl. Row 12 K1, (k2tog) 9 times. [10 sts] Cut yarn and thread through rem sts.


(MAKE 1) Start at the bottom of the Body. Cast on 9 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 ( WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Row 5 Purl. Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts] Row 7 Purl. Row 8 K1, (kfb, K3) 8 times. [41 sts] Row 9 Purl. Row 10 K1, (kfb, K4) 8 times. [49 sts] Rows 11 to 13 Beg and ending on a P row work in st st. Row 14 K1, (kfb, K11) 4 times. [53 sts]

Rows 15 to 33 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st.

Row 34 K4, (ssk, K4) 4 times, (k2tog, K4) 4 times, K1. [45 sts]

Rows 35 to 41 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st.

Row 42 K4, (ssk, K3) 4 times, (k2tog, K3) 4 times, K1. [37 sts]

Rows 43 to 47 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st.

Row 48 K4, (ssk, K2) 4 times, (k2tog, K2) 4 times, K1. [29 sts]

Rows 49 to 53 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st.

Row 54 K3, (ssk, K1) 4 times, (k2tog, K1) 4 times, K2. [21 sts] Row 55 Purl. Row 56 K3, (ssk) 4 times, (k2tog) 4 times, K2. [13 sts] Cast off.


(MAKE 2) Start at the base of the Ear. Cast on 20 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 ( WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb, K7, kfb) twice, K1. [24 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K9, kfb) twice, K1. [28 sts] Rows 5 to 13 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K9, ssk) twice, K1. [24 sts] Rows 15 to 17 Beg and ending on a P row work in st st. Row 18 K1, (k2tog, K7, ssk) twice, K1. [20 sts] Rows 19 to 21 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 22 K1, (k2tog, K5, ssk) twice, K1. [16 sts] Rows 23 to 25 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 26 K1, (k2tog, K3, ssk) twice, K1. [12 sts] Row 27 Purl. Row 28 K1, (k2tog, K1, ssk) twice, K1. [8 sts] Row 29 Purl. Row 30 (K2tog) 4 times. [4 sts] Cut yarn and thread through rem sts.


(MAKE 2) Start at the sole of the foot. Cast on 14 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 ( WS) Purl. Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 12 times, K1. [26 sts] Row 3 Purl. Row 4 (K1, kfb) twice, K5, (kfb, K1) twice, (K1, kfb) twice, K5, (kfb, K1) twice. [34 sts] Row 5 Purl.

"When we first saw Bertie..." “…we fell in love with him instantly. Big feet, peachy nose, floppy ears, cute green cardi, what's not to love?» Kirstie McLeod, Editor

Row 6 K1, (K1, kfb) twice, K7, (kfb, K1) twice, K2, (K1, kfb) twice, K7, (kfb, K1) twice, K1. [42 sts] Rows 7 to 17 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 18 K9, (ssk) 6 times, (k2tog) 6 times, K9. [30 sts] Row 19 Purl. Row 20 K10, (K1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 12 times, K8. [18 sts] Row 21 P18, sliding sts either side of cast off together. Rows 22 to 33 Beg on a RS row, work in st st. Cast off.


(MAKE 2) Start at the top of the Arm. Cast on 16 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 to 33 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Row 34 K1, kfb, knit to the last 2 sts, kfb, K1. [2 sts inc’d] Row 35 Purl. Rows 36 to 39 Rep Rows 34 and 35 twice. [22 sts] Rows 40 to 45 Starting on a RS knit row work in st st. Row 46 K1, (k2tog, K1) 7 times. [15 sts] Row 47 Purl. Row 48 K1, (k2tog) 7 times. [8 sts] Cut yarn and thread through rem sts.


(MAKE 1) Cast on 9 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 Knit. Row 2 K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 3 Knit. Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts] Rows 5, 6 and 7 Knit. Row 8 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts] Rows 9, 10 and 11 Knit. Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts] Rows 13, 14 and 15 Knit. Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts] Row 17 Knit. Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts] Row 19 Knit. Cut yarn and thread through rem sts.


Join cast- on edge of Snout to cast- off edge of Head. Sew side edges of the Snout and Head together, stuffing as you sew. The seam runs down the centre underside. Gather cast- on sts tog at the back of the Head. Embroider the nose in peach yarn on the front of the Snout and the eyes in black yarn on the Head. Gather the cast- on sts of Body tog and sew side edges tog adding stuffing as you sew. Note that this seam runs down the centre back of the Body. Sew the underside of the Head onto the cast- off edge of Body. Fold Ear in half. Use Swiss darning and peach yarn to embroider a triangle on the middle. Sew the side edges and oversew cast- on edge tog. Fold the cast- on edge in half and sew this edge onto the top of the Head. Sew side edges of Arm tog stuffing as you sew. Sew the cast- on edge onto the top side of the Body. Note that the seam runs down the underside of the Arm. For Legs, fold cast- on edge in half and join tog, then sew side edges of Leg tog. The seam runs down the underside of the Leg. Stuff Legs and feet. Sew cast- off edge tog along top of foot. Sew cast- off edge of Leg onto front of Body. Sew the side edges of tail tog, stuffing as you sew. Sew cast- on edge onto bottom back of Body.


(MAKE 1) Start at the bottom hem. Cast on 50 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn C. Rows 1 to 6 Knit. Rows 7 to 23 Beg and ending on a P row work in st st. Row 24 K2, (ssk, K2) 6 times, (k2tog, K2) 6 times. [38 sts]


Row 25 P1, (P1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 3 times, P to end. [35 sts] Row 26 K1, (K1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 3 times, K to end. [32 sts] Rows 27 to 38 Beg on a P row, work in st st. Row 39 P6, K20, P6. Row 40 Knit. Row 41 P6, K20, P6.


Row 42 K10, (K1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 14 times, K to end. [18 sts] Continue on the 9 sts you just worked only for the left Back neck. Row 43 ( WS) P6, K3. Row 44 (RS) K9. Row 45 P6, K3. Cast off 9 sts for the left shoulder. With the WS facing you, rejoin Yarn C to 9 sts held for right Back. Row 1 ( WS) K3, P6. Row 2 (RS) K9. Row 3 K3, P6. Cast off 9 sts for the right shoulder.


(MAKE 1) Start at the bottom hem. Cast on 24 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn C. Rows 1 to 6 Knit. Row 7 K4, P20. Row 8 Knit. Rows 9 to 22 Rep Rows 7 and 8, 7 more times. Row 23 K4, P20. Row 24 (K2, ssk) 5 times, K4. [19 sts] Row 25 K4, P15.


Row 26 K1, (K1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 3 times, K to end. [16 sts] Row 27 K4, P12. Row 28 Knit. Rows 29 to 36 Rep rows 27 and 28, 4 more times. Row 37 K10, P6. Row 38 Knit. Row 39 K10, P6. Row 40 K9, cast off the last 7 sts. [9 sts] Row 41 Rejoin Yarn C, K3, P6. Row 42 Knit. Row 43 K3, P6. Rows 44 to 45 Rep rows 42 and 43. Cast off.


(MAKE 1) Start at the bottom hem. Cast on 24 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn C. Rows 1 to 6 Knit. Row 7 P20, K4. Row 8 Knit. Rows 9 to 22 Rep Rows 7 and 8, 7 more times. Row 23 P20, K4. Row 24 K2, yo, k2tog, (k2tog, K2) 5 times. [19 sts]


Row 25 P1, (P1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 3 times, P11, K4. [16 sts] Row 26 Knit. Row 27 P12, K4. Row 28 Knit. Rows 29 to 36 Rep Rows 27 and 28, 4 more times. Row 37 P6, K6, k2tog, yo, K2. [16 sts] Row 38 Knit. Row 39 P6, K10. Row 40 K1, (K1, lift the second stitch on the RH needle over the first stitch on the RH needle) 7 times, K8. [9 sts] Row 41 P6, K3. Row 42 Knit. Rows 43 to 44 Rep Rows 41 and 42. Row 45 P6, K3. Cast off.


(MAKE 1) Start at the bottom edge. Cast on 40 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn C. Rows 1 to 10 Knit. Cast off.


(MAKE 2) Start at the cuff. Cast on 30 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn C. Rows 1 to 6 Knit. Rows 7 to 25 Beg and ending on a P row, work in st st. Cast off.


Backstitch the shoulder seams to join the Back and Fronts. Sew the cast- off edge of Jacket Collar onto the neckline, beg and ending just before the garter stitch buttonhole/ button bands at the front. Sew 2 buttons onto the buttonhole band under the yarn- over buttonhole­s. Set in Sleeves matching the centre of the Sleeve cast- off edge to the shoulder seam. Sew the side edge of the last few rows of the Sleeve to the cast- off sts at the underarm on Front/Back. Sew tog side edges of Sleeve and Jacket body. AMANDA’S BACK NEXT MONTH WITH HER FUN ZOO ANIMALS. ISSUE 171 IS ON SALE THURSDAY 22 MARCH 2018.

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 ??  ?? Create a fitted garment by nipping the jacket in at the waist with a row of ssks and k2togs.
Create a fitted garment by nipping the jacket in at the waist with a row of ssks and k2togs.

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