Simply Knitting

All-over cable jumper

Give awesome constructi­on techniques a go with Fran Morgan’s gorgeous cable-knit jumper.

- Fran Morgan “I was inspired by Elizabeth Zimmerman’s original hand-to-hand jumper. I wanted to take it one step further and work cables on the ont and back.”


Rico, Essentials Soft Merino Aran (100% wool, 50g/100m) A 4½mm circular needle, 80cm long A 5mm circular needle, 80cm long A cable needle Stitch holders For yarn stockists contact Rico Design


Yarn used knits as aran to this tension: 18 sts and 24 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 5mm needles Chart A measures 10cm (4in) Chart B measures 2.5cm (1in) Chart C measures 6cm (2¼in)


T3B slip next st to cn and hold at back, K2, P1 from cn T3F slip next 2 sts to cn and hold at front, P1, K2 from cn T4B slip next 2 sts to cn and hold at back, K2, P2 from cn T4F slip next 2 sts to cn and hold at front, P2, K2 from cn For a full list see page 95 We all know a familiar knit is just like putting your feet into your favourite slippers, but sometimes it’s good to stretch your skills. Fran Morgan’s all- over cable jumper is created by knitting the sleeves and yoke first. The body is then picked up and knitted downwards from the yoke to the bottom hem. Work this jumper in a new way and open your mind to a whole host of garment options! Note You may want to work a few extra rows at either side of the neck to make the pattern balance on each side. This also applies to the end of the Sleeve.


CHART A (WRITTEN INSTRUCTIO­NS) Worked over 28 sts. Row 1 (RS) P4, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P4. Rows 2 and all WS rows Work the sts as they appear. Knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. Row 3 P3, T3B, ( T4F, T4B) twice, T3F, P3. Row 5 P2, T3B, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3F. P2. Row 7 P2, K2, P2, T4B, T4F, T4B, T4F, P2, K2, P2. Row 9 P2, K2, P2, K2, P4, C4B, P4, K2, P2, K2, P2. Row 11 P2, K2, P2, T4F, T4B, T4F, T4B, P2, K2, P2. Row 13 P2, T3F, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3B, P2. Row 15 P3, T3F, ( T4B, T4F) twice, T3B, P3. Row 16 as Row 2. Rep Rows 1–16 for patt.


Worked over 6 sts. Row 1 C6B. Rows 2 and all WS rows Work the sts as they appear. Knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. Row 3 Knit. Row 5 C6B. Rows 7, 9 and 11 Knit. Row 12 As Row 2. Rep Rows 1–12 for patt.


Worked over 18 sts. Row 1 C4B, P2, C6B, P2, C4B.

Rows 2 and all WS rows Work the sts as they appear. Knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts. Row 3 K4, P2, K6, P2, K4. Row 5 C4B, P2, K6, P2, C4B. Row 7 K4, P2, K6, P2, C4B. Row 8 as Row 2. Rep Rows 1– 8 for patt.


(WORKED FLAT) Cast on 62 ( 66: 70: 74) sts using 4 mm needles. Set pattern as follows: Row 1 (RS) P0 ( 2: 4: 6), work Row 1 of Chart A, Row 1 of Chart B, Row 1 of Chart A, P to end. Row 2 ( WS) K0 ( 2: 4: 6), work Row 2 of Chart A, Row 2 of Chart B, Row 2 of Chart A, K to end. Last 2 rows set Chart placement and rev st st. Cont from Row 3 of each Chart and work 4 more rows. [6 rows worked]


Change to 5mm needles. Continuing to work Charts as set, work as folls: Inc row Inc 1 st at each end of row, working inc sts in rev st st. [2 sts inc’d]

Patt 5 rows. Rep the last 6 rows until there are 98 ( 106: 114: 122) sts. Place a marker at each end of last row. Cont with shaping until Sleeve measures 47cm or desired length, ending with a WS row and increasing 3 sts evenly over the first and last 18 ( 20: 22: 24) sts in the final row. [104 ( 112: 120: 128) sts] Make a note of the number of rows worked from the markers.


Next row Work 3 ( 5: 7: 9) sts in rev st st, work Row 1 of Chart C, work 3 sts in rev st st, patt to last 21 ( 24: 27: 30) sts, work 3 sts in rev st st, work Row 1 of Chart C, work 3 ( 5: 7: 9) sts in rev st st. Last row sets pattern placement. Keeping all patterns correct continue until Yoke measures 14cm.


Patt across 49 ( 51: 53: 55) sts, kfb, turn and work on these 51 ( 53: 55: 57) sts only, leaving rem sts on a holder. Work the last 2 sts of Chart A in garter st from now on, to form Neck border. Cont in patt until Neck measures 25.5cm. Note You may want to work a few extra rows at either side of the Neck to make the pattern balance on each side – ending with a WS row. Leave sts on a holder. Make a note of the number of rows worked in the Neck. With RS facing, rejoin yarn to sts left on holder, kfb in first st and patt to end of row. Continue to work in pattern as set, working the 2 sts at the Neck opening in garter st to form Neck border.

Cont in patt until the same number of rows have been worked on front Neck, ending with a WS row. Leave sts on a holder. Rejoin yarn to front Neck sts and patt to last 2 sts, p2tog, then working from the sts on hold for the Back: P2tog, patt to end of row. [104 ( 108: 112: 116) sts] Cont in pattern for 14cm, dec 3 sts evenly over the first and last 18 ( 20: 22:

24) sts of the final row. [98 ( 102: 106: 110) sts] Cont in pattern as set until the same number of rows have been worked that you took a note of for the first Sleeve.

Decrease row Dec 1 st at each end of next row. [2 sts dec’d] Work 5 rows in patt. Rep the last 6 rows until there are 64 ( 68:

72: 76) sts. Change to 4 mm needles. Rep the last 6 rows once more. [62 ( 66: 70: 74) sts]

Cast off all sts.


(WORKED IN THE ROUND) Starting at the last 4 rows of left Sleeve, pick up and knit 132 ( 140: 148: 156) sts across Front, pick up and knit 132 ( 140: 148: 156) sts across Back. [264 ( 280: 296: 312) sts] Place patt as follows: PM to mark start of round, work 6 ( 10: 14: 18) sts in rev st st, (work Row 1 of Chart A, work Row 1 of Chart C), twice, work Row 1 of Chart A, work 12 ( 20: 28: 36) sts in rev st st, (work Row 1 of Chart A, work Row 1 of Chart C) twice, work Row 1 of Chart A, work 6 ( 10: 14: 18) sts in rev st st. Cont from Round 2. Cont in patt until work measure 38cm. Change to 4 mm needles. Knit 6 rounds. Cast off.


Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Sew Sleeve seams. Sew in yarn ends. PREPARE FOR SPRING WITH OUR RICE STITCH AND MOCK CABLE CARDI BY SARAH HATTON NEXT MONTH. ISSUE 171 IS ON SALE THURSDAY 22 MARCH.

 ??  ?? This jumper’s lower front and back section is worked entirely in the round.
This jumper’s lower front and back section is worked entirely in the round.
 ??  ?? SIZING COLOUR KEY So you can re-use this pattern, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns. Simply follow our colour-coded measuremen­ts and you’re off.
SIZING COLOUR KEY So you can re-use this pattern, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns. Simply follow our colour-coded measuremen­ts and you’re off.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Love unusual constructi­on? Knit this gorgeous cable jumper using some brilliant techniques.
Love unusual constructi­on? Knit this gorgeous cable jumper using some brilliant techniques.
 ??  ?? HOW TO USE OUR CHARTS Start at the bottom right-hand corner. Read right side rows from right to left and wrong side rows from left to right. A row of squares represents a row of knitting.
HOW TO USE OUR CHARTS Start at the bottom right-hand corner. Read right side rows from right to left and wrong side rows from left to right. A row of squares represents a row of knitting.

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