Simply Knitting

Funky legwarmers

It’s almost spring, so why not get outdoors with Monica Russel’s cosy legwarmers.


Glam up those skinny jeans with fabulous variegated yarn.

Legwarmers may seem like a blast from the past, but they’re actually really practical. Whether you wear them with your skinny jeans or on top of pyjamas with flappy legs, they’ll keep you warm when you need it most. A simple but striking combinatio­n of rib and cables, these will be a joy to knit, and just tricky enough to keep you thinking.


Cast on 56 sts using 5mm needles. Next row Knit into back of sts to form a neat edge. Next row *K2, P2; work from * to end.

Now continue working as above rib row until work measures 7cm with WS facing for next row.

Next row K1, kfb, K1, *P2, K2; rep from * to last 3 sts, P1, pfb, P1. [58 sts]

Change to 6mm needles and start cable pattern as follows:

Row 1 K4, *P2, K4, P2, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, P2, K4, P2, K4. Row 2 and every foll alt row Work each stitch as it appears on this side of

the work – K the knit sts and P the purl sts.

Row 3 K4, *P2, C4F, P2, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, P2, C4F, P2, K4.

Row 5 K4, *P2, K4, P2, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, P2, K4, P2, K4.

Row 7 K4, *P2, C4F, P2, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, P2, C4F, P2, K4.

Row 9 K4, *C4B, C4F, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, C4B, C4F, K4.

Row 11 K2, *C4B, P4, C4F, K2; rep from * to last 14 sts, C4B, P4, C4F, K2.

Row 13 K2, *C4B, P4, C4F, K2; rep from * to last 14 sts, C4B, P4, C4F, K2.

Row 15 K4, *C4F, C4B, K6; rep from * to last 12 sts, C4F, C4B, K4. Rep Rows 3–16 once more. Change to 5mm needles. Next row *K2, P2; repeat from * to last 2 sts, K2. Continue until rib measures 7cm.

Cast off in rib.


Sew in loose ends by weaving them into the WS of your cuff. With RS facing, use mattress stitch to join side seams.

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