Simply Knitting

Creative cast-ons

Discover new ways to get started.


The first cast on most knitters learn will either be the thumb cast on or the knitted-on cast on. The former is an ideal cast on for beginners. Using one hand and one needle, it is easy to work and has a flexible edge, which means it can be used for a variety of projects, and at the same time it’s gratifying­ly neat. The knitted-on cast on is not such a great choice. Using two needles and simply pulling new stitches out of old ones, it creates a fairly rigid edge, and many knitters will remember the slight triangular shape it gave to their first projects, with a lower edge that pulled in too much. Thankfully, there are literally dozens of other cast ons, which create a myriad of effects at the edge of your knitting. Turn over for three of the most useful to add to your skills…

 ??  ?? Find more useful cast ons in this issue’s MINI HOOKS BOOKLET!
Find more useful cast ons in this issue’s MINI HOOKS BOOKLET!
 ??  ?? You’ll use a picot cast on (p66) for this set on p19.
You’ll use a picot cast on (p66) for this set on p19.

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