Simply Knitting



Note The rib section is longer at the Back than the Front. Cast on 66 (70: 74: 78: 82: 86: 90: 94: 98: 102) sts using 5.5mm needles. Work in rib as follows: Row 1 (RS) K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to end.

Row 2 P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Rep these 2 rows until work measures 12cm, ending with a WS row. Change to 6mm needles and work the following increase row, placing a marker at the start and end of the row.

Next row (RS) (inc) Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [2 sts inc’d] [68 (72: 76: 80: 84: 88: 92: 96: 100: 104) sts] Next row Purl. Work in st st as follows:

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Rep these 2 rows until work measures 34 (34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 35: 35: 35)cm, ending with a WS row. ** Place a marker at the beg and end of the next row to indicate the start of the armholes and cont in patt as set until work measures 54 (55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 62)cm, ending with a WS row.


Cast off 4 (4: 5: 5: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7: 7) sts at the beg of the next 4 (2: 6: 4: 8: 6: 2: 8: 4: 2) rows. Cast off 5 (5: 6: 6: 0: 7: 7: 0: 8: 8) sts at the beg of the next 4 (6: 2: 4: 0: 2: 6: 0: 4: 6) rows. Put the rem 32 (34: 34: 36: 36: 38: 38: 40: 40: 42) sts onto a holder.


Cast on 66 (70: 74: 78: 82: 86: 90: 94: 98: 102) sts using 5.5mm needles. Work in rib as follows: Row 1 (RS) K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to end.

Row 2 P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Rep these 2 rows until work measures 6cm, ending with a WS row. Change to 6mm needles and work the following inc row, placing a marker at the start and end of the row.

Next row (RS) (inc) Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [2 sts inc’d] [68 (72: 76: 80: 84: 88: 92: 96: 100: 104) sts] Next row Purl. Work in st st as follows:

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Rep these 2 rows until work measures 28 (28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 29: 29: 29)cm, ending with a WS row. Place a marker at the beg and end of the next row to indicate the start of the armholes and cont in patt as set until work measures 42

(43: 44: 45: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 49)cm, ending with a WS row.


Next row (RS) Patt 23 (24: 26: 27: 29: 30: 32: 33: 35: 36) and put the rem sts onto a holder. Cont in st st as set and dec 1 st at the neck edge on the next 2 rows. 21 (22: 24: 25: 27: 28: 30: 31: 33: 34) sts.

Work one row straight then dec 1 st at the neck edge on every RS

row until 18 (19: 21: 22: 24: 25: 27: 28: 30: 31) sts remain. Work straight in st st as set until work measures the same as the Back from the markers for the armholes and ending with a WS row (rather than from the cast-on edges as the rib sections are different lengths for the Front and Back).


Cast off 4 (4: 5: 5: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7: 7) sts at the beg of the next 2 (1: 3: 2: 4: 3: 1: 4: 2: 1) RS rows. Cast off 5 (5: 6: 6: 0: 7: 7: 0: 8: 8) sts at the beg of the next 2 (3: 1: 2: 0: 1: 3: 0: 2: 3) RS rows.


With RS facing, leave the central 22 (24: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30: 30:

32) sts on the holder and joining yarn at the neck edge, knit to end. [23 (24: 26: 27: 29: 30: 32: 33: 35: 36) sts]

Cont in st st as set and dec 1 st at the neck edge on the next 2 rows. [21 (22: 24: 25: 27: 28: 30: 31: 33: 34) sts]

Work one row straight then dec 1 st at the neck edge on every RS row until 18 (19: 21: 22: 24: 25: 27: 28: 30: 31) sts remain.

Work straight in st st as set until work measures the same as the back from the markers for the armholes and ending with a RS row.


Cast off 4 (4: 5: 5: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7: 7) sts at the beg of the next 2 (1: 3: 2: 4: 3: 1: 4: 2: 1) WS rows. Cast off 5 (5: 6: 6: 0: 7: 7: 0: 8: 8) sts at the beg of the next 2 (3: 1: 2: 0: 1: 3: 0: 2: 3) WS rows.


Cast on 34 (34: 36: 36: 38: 38: 40: 40: 42: 42) sts using 5.5 mm needles. Work in rib as follows: Change to 6mm needles and work in st st starting with a RS or knit row from now on.

Work 4 rows. Work Sleeve inc row on next row, then on every following 8th (8th: 8th: 8th: 8th: 6th: 6th: 6th: 6th: 6th) row until there are 52 (52: 54: 56: 58: 60: 62: 64: 66: 68) sts.

Sleeve inc row (RS) K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [2 sts inc’d] When all the increases are complete, cont straight in st st as set until Sleeve measures 45 (48: 48: 48: 48: 49: 49: 50: 50: 50)cm, measured from the cast-on edge and ending with a WS row.


Cast off 17 (17: 18: 18: 19: 20: 20: 21: 22: 22) sts at the beg of the next 2 rows.

Cast off rem sts.


Weave in ends and block lightly if required, avoiding ribbing. Sew left shoulder seam.


Using 5.5mm needles, and with RS facing, start at the Back, K32 (34: 34: 36: 36: 38: 38: 40: 40: 42) sts from the Back holder, pick up and knit 14 (14: 14: 14: 15: 15: 15: 15: 15: 15) sts along left curve, K22 (24: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30: 30: 32) sts from the Front holder, pick up and knit 14 (14: 14: 14: 15: 15: 15: 15: 15: 15) sts along right curve. [82 (86: 86: 90: 92: 96: 96: 100: 100: 104) sts] Work in rib pattern as follows. Note The first row is a WS row. Row 1 (WS) *P2, K2; rep from * to last 2 (2: 2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0) sts, P2 (2: 2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0). Row 2 (RS) K2 (2: 2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0), *P2, K2; rep from * to end. Rep these 2 rows until work measures 6cm, ending with a RS row. Cast off in rib pattern on the WS. Sew right shoulder and neckline seam. Sew Sleeve caps into armholes between markers. Sew Sleeve and side seams to the markers at the end of the ribbing section. Leave the ribbing section open. See ball band for further care instructio­ns.

 ??  ?? The snuggly cuffs of this jumper are knitted in a K2, P2 rib which is mirrored in the hi-lo hem of the jumper too
The snuggly cuffs of this jumper are knitted in a K2, P2 rib which is mirrored in the hi-lo hem of the jumper too

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