Simply Knitting

Intarsia peacock cushion

Note The Cushion is knitted using the intarsia technique.

- By Susan Cowper

The magnificen­t tail feathers of a shimmering peacock make the perfect motif for a fabulous cushion.


Cast on 94 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A.

Beg with a knit row and using the intarsia technique, work in st st through the 119 rows of the Chart, bringing in other colours where needed. Remember to twist the yarns when you change colour to prevent holes forming.

Cast off.

Weave in ends.



Cast on 94 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 *K1, P1; rep from * to end. Repeat last row 3 times more.

***Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 4 rows.

**Keeping Yarn A still attached, join Yarn C. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 2 rows.

Break Yarn C and continue with Yarn A. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 4 rows.

Keeping Yarn A still attached, join Yarn B. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 2 rows.

Break Yarn B and continue with Yarn A. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 4 rows.

Keeping Yarn A still attached, join Yarn D. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 2 rows.

Break Yarn D and continue with Yarn A. Beg with a knit row, work in st st for 4 rows.

Repeat from ** twice more.

Cast off.

Sew ends in.


Cast on 94 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 (Buttonhole row) (K1, P1) 11 times, yo, k2tog, rep from * twice more, (K1, P1) 11 times. [94 sts]

Row 3 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Repeat last row once more.

Work as given for Piece 1 from *** to end.


1 Lay the Front out flat with the RS facing up. Take the pompom edging, notice how the pompoms are attached to only one side of the trim. Pin the trim to the cushion so that the side of the trim with the pompoms is nearest the centre of the cushion and the trim edge without pompoms sits on the edge of the knitting.

2 Take Back Piece 2 and lay this with RS down on top of the Front. Take care to tuck the pompoms inside.

3 The final piece goes face down on the lower half of the Cushion Front. The first four rows of this Back sits on the first 4 rows of the buttonhole back. Pin into place all round.

4 Sew all round with a length of Yarn A; the tapestry needle will go through the pompom trim. Turn RS out.

5 Cut 3 pompoms from the trim and with a length of Yarn B sew them on the back edge to correspond with the buttonhole­s from the other side. Push the needle through the centre of the pompom a few times, just as you would with a button. Once sewn on, you can fluff and reshape the pompom back to a ball.

6 Insert your 46cm square cushion insert and push the pompom ‘buttons’ through the buttonhole­s.

Start at the bottom right-hand corner. Read right side rows from right to left and wrong side rows from left to right. A row of squares represents a row of knitting.

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