Simply Knitting



Cast on 3 sts, using 3mm needles and Yarn E. Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a K row. Row 3 (Kfb) to end. [6 sts]

Row 4 Purl.

Row 5 (Kfb) to end. [12 sts]

Row 6 Purl.

Row 7 (Kfb) to end. [24 sts]

Work 3 rows in st st, beg with a P row. Row 11 (Kfb, K1) to end. [36 sts]

Work 11 rows in st st, beg with a P row. Continue knitting on the first 18 sts, leaving all the rem 18 sts on the needle.

Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a K row.

Row 25 (K4, k2tog) to end. [15 sts]

Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a P row.

Row 28 (P3, p2tog) to end. [12 sts] Cast off. With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts. Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a K row. Row 25 (K2tog, K4) to end. [15 sts] Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a P row. Row 28 (P2tog, P3) to end. [12 sts] Cast off. Sew the seam at the back of the Heart and stuff.

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